Sanitation can give people clean water to drink and for showering and other stuff. so they don't just drink bad water and get sick and die. -
Lack of Education
Lack of Education means women get married sooner and therefore the birth rate will increase and population growth rates will go up. -
Agriculture Revolution
Better farming technology meant more food produced per area of land with less labour. Therefore more food for more people. -
Can keep people away from sickness, diseases. So they can live longer, and not die in a such young age. -
Industrial Revolution
Industrial revolution made a big change for technology, machine and help people farming and other stuff. -
Better Transportation
Better Transportation can make things faster, for example it can take food this place to other place faster, so don't get hungry and die. -
Better Shelter
Better shelter can keep people warm and human can live longer if they have shelter. -
Better Colthing
Keep people from cold and bad weather, so they don't get sick, and it can keep people not necked.