Popper, Karl. 28 July, 1902 - 17 September 1994

  • Birth

    Karl Popper was born in Vienna, Austria, the first event in a chain of events that changed the way science was conducted forever due to falsifiability and its effects on the scientific method and the distinguishing between science and non-science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X8Xfl0JdTQ
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    Popper, Karl. 28 July, 1902 - 17 September 1994

    Lifespan of Sir Karl Raimund Popper
  • The Logic of Scientific Discovery

    Popper's first book was published in 1934 which first brought about his ideas of the need for falsifiability and his rejection of empirical science.
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    Philosophy Professor

    Popper was a professor of Philosophy at the Canterbury University College in New Zealand.
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    Professor of Logic and Scientific Method

    Popper became a professor of Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics until he retired in 1969.
  • Conjectures and Refutations

    In Karl Popper's book "Conjectures and Refutations" he really puts forth a call to arms for all scientists to determine the falsifiability of scientific theories. He believes scientists shouldn't take anything for blind fact and instead should take every theory with the mindset of trying to prove it wrong. With their failure, would they prove it right. Popper, Karl. “Popper: Refutation and Confirmation.” CCSU, 1962, bertie.ccsu.edu/naturesci/PhilSci/PopperArticle.html#fn0.
  • Knighthood

    Karl Popper was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Death

    Popper died due to "complications of cancer, pneumonia and kidney failure" (The Associated Press). The Associated Press. “Sir Karl Popper Is Dead at 92; Philosopher of ‘Open Society.’” The New York Times, New York Times, 18 Sept. 1994, www.nytimes.com/1994/09/18/obituaries/sir-karl-popper-is-dead-at-92-philosopher-of-open-society.html.