Popol vuh1


  • 1 BCE

    Creation of the Humans

    Creation of the Humans
    They built the humans made of clay, but he was very weak. Then, they tried made of wood, but he didn't remember of his creators. Then, they continue trying and made them of corn, but the humans were too intelligent and the creators didn't like it because they look like gods.
  • 1 BCE

    Creation of the World

    Creation of the World
    Gucumatz and Hurricane gods.
    They started separating the land from the water.
  • Period: 1 BCE to 2 BCE

    Creation of small and big animals

    They command the small and big animals the place where they will live.
  • 4

    Creation of Women

    Creation of Women
    When these gods made men sleep, they made the woman and when the men saw women, they fell in love, and reproduced.