Birth of michael jackson, on angust 29 in indiana
the 5 jacksons start acting in public.
on december 14 the 5 jacksons appear in "the ed sullivan show"
michael jackson achivieves his firtst album called "go to be there"
his album "thriller" earns the record of eight grammy awards and is the record with the highest sales of all time.
michael jackson had an accident in the recording of the pepsi-cola ad, suffered burns.
jackson and lionel with the sale of the sigles "we are the world" raised money for the victims of hunger in etopia.
his album "bad" produces 5 singles number 1 and 22 million copies in the world.
he reveals his skin desease and is accused of sexual abuse but never charges are abrought against him
jackson married lisa marie.
jackson shows his first baby on a balcony, "prince michael II", his fans.
judge declares innocent jackson for sexual abuse.
jackson dies of a cardiac arrest with only 50 years of age.