Pop Culture Timeline

  • First Movie in Australia

    First Movie in Australia
    Movies were a new form of entertainment that brought the community together. They were exposed to other cultures and periods in time that many people had never experienced before. Leisure time for people changed considerably, with those who could afford it going to the picture at least once a week. The first movie shown was 'The Story of the Kelly Gang', which provided entertainment for an hour.
  • Movies Promote Positive Change

    Movies Promote Positive Change
    'A Fool and His Money' was filmed and broadcast around the world. It was a novelty in that the lead character was not of anglo-saxon descent. Movies began to challenge social norms and expectations, setting the platform for a more accepting community. Many issues have been raised and normalised throughout history, including more equity around race, gender and sexual orientation. However, movies have also had the opposing effect, discriminating against these groups and marginalising them.
  • Educational Movies

    Educational Movies
    Movies were used to inform society, and to change their habits. At the time, education was not always completed to the same standard, and for some people not an option. People learnt about other cultures overseas, about the human body and events in history. Since 1970, documentaries and movies have been part of the school curriculum, and used to teach students in a more engaging way. From this point onwards, movies were both entertainment and education.
  • Radio in Australia

    Radio in Australia
    The 1920's was a time of happiness and wealth, where people began building the culture that we have today. When the radio was brought to Australia, it was instantly popular, as people could access entertainment for all members of the family with ease. News, operas and plays were broadcast, and people felt the need for radio in their everyday life. By 1929, only 6 years after they were released, 20% of people had radios. They would change the way people accessed information.
  • Advertising in the Movies

    Advertising in the Movies
    In 1927, movies began the pre show advertising that is still seen today. People were encouraged to keep up with the trends and to live a life as fulfilling as what they saw on the screen. Advertising of new cars, technology, fashion and household appliances resulted in an increase in the purchasing of goods and therefore the manufacture of products to keep up with demand.
  • Movies and Music

    Movies and Music
    'Talkies' were the new novelty in film, where sound accompanied pictures. They increased the already high viewing numbers by over double. This led to the globalisation of music and the mixing of cultures. People across the world were enjoying the same entertainment and soundtracks which had previously not been possible. 'Sally' the 1929 film was particularly popular as it featured high quality opera and song for the first time.
  • Modern Music

    Modern Music
    Radios had a significant effect on music, and the way that people interacted with it. Previously, people had largely listened to live music, and the repertoire and availability of music depended on where you were. With the radio, people were able to listen to music from around the world. Jazz groups and singers including Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman and Tommy Dorsey became popular through their radio performances. People could connect through music where they couldn't without the radio.
  • Advertising on Radio

    Advertising on Radio
    Radio was an effective way to reach almost the whole population, and encouraged people to keep on trend. Advertising was directed at certain groups in society, and it contributed to the fast fashion industry that has been created today. In 1941 over two thirds of radio had advertising, and by the 1950's when the war was over, this began to come to fruition. People began buying more, often sacrificing quality for quantity.
  • Accessibility to News

    Accessibility to News
    The radio was a crucial tool throughout World War II. People were able to track progress and learn about the war from their homes. When air raids occurred or bombing drills, people were able to receive messages quickly. The use of it saved thousands of lives as people were warned of events where they could not have been previously. Conscription was also announced over the radio, as people listened for their birthdays. War time and post war news was much more accessible through the radio.
  • Radio Today

    Radio Today
    Society still very much uses the radio, but is not as dependent upon it as it once was. There are now many alternative sources of news, including the internet and television. However, radio is important for some minority groups across the world, who do not have access to the internet for whatever reason. It still connects the world together, and has over 71.2 million users every day.