ponthier american revolution

  • french and indian war

    french and indian war
    the french and indian war also known as the seven years war was one of many new world conflicts in the imperial struggle. the war consisted of two sides the french with the native indians on their side and the british. the war was caused by conflict over the french expanding into the ohio river valley area.
  • treaty of 1763

    treaty of 1763
    this treaty ended the french and indian war/ seven years war in 1763. the results of the treaty were that france gave up all its territories in mainland north america which ended any military threat the british could have faced in the new world. the treaty meant that the french had basically given up on expansion in the new world.
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    the proclamation of 1763 was issued by king george the third after the end of the seven years war. the proclamation had some terms to it, one of the most important ones being that no one could expand west of the appalachian and that area would become an indian reserve. this will eventually lead to problems in the colonies
    as well.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    it was a tax put in place by the british on the 13 colonies that taxed newspapers, legal documents, and commercial documents. things like wills, deeds, etc were taxed by the british as well as public news documents. this caused conflict in the 13 colonies as none of the colonists wanted to pay the tax as they felt that only their representative assemblies should be able to tax them.
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    was a deadly riot on king street in boston. the riot began as a brawl between a colonists and a soldier which then escalated to a bloody conflict. the results of this was propaganda of anti british soldiers started to spread causing more conflicts between the colonists and the british soldiers.
  • committees of correspondence

    committees of correspondence
    shadow governments organized by patriot leaders. they appeared on the eve of the american revolution. they were america's first institution for maintaining communication with each other.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    the boston tea party was a bunch of colonists throwing crates of tea off of a british ship. this led to the tea act which was taxes put on tea as a punishment for the boston tea party. the colonists soluton was to start smuggling dutch tea in instead of paying the taxes to the british for their tea.
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    punitive laws passed by the british after the boston tea party. the laws were meant to punish the colonists for their actions in the boston tea party. these were laws that were not allowed to be broken and had automatic punishments .
  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    the battle of lexington and concord was the first battle in the revolutionary war. tensions had been building for yeas between the 13 colonies and the british and all tensions were unleashed on april 19 1775. on april 18 joseph warren heard word of the british coming and got the word out to everyone the best he could.
  • bunker hill

    bunker hill
    one of the earlier wars in the revolution. the british defeated the americans at the battle of bunker hill. actual location of the battle was closer to breeds hill not bunker hill.
  • publication of common sense

    publication of common sense
    the book common sense was published in philadelphia in 1776 by thomas paine and became an instant best seller. the book had two main points to inspire the colonists to get independence from britain and inspire the want of a democratic republic. this book was another piece that would show a great spike in support for the revolution movements.
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    the declaration of independence was a piece written by thomas jefferson to tell the british king that they wanted freedom and get the colonists fired up and ready to fight for their independence. since many colonists could not read at this time he made it ready to perform to help get people's attention and help the people who were unable to read. this is one of the biggest steps towards american independence from britian.
  • valley forge

    valley forge
    valley forge was the third of 8 winter battles that was hard for both sides due to the rough weather conditions. the continental army's general at this time was george washington who led the army through this rough battle. in this battle congress fled philadelphia to escape the british who were trying to capture the city.
  • saratoga

    the battle of saratoga was one of two crucial victories for the continental army which were considered turning points in the revolution. these two wars were both fought in the second year of the movement within 18 days of each other. this war gave france the confidence in the american army to enter the war as an american ally.
  • cowpens

    cowpens was the most decisive victory for the american army in the fight for independence. caused a great spike in patriot morale and caused so many british casualties they would not be able to recover their losses from this war. british losses were about 600 while american losses were about 72 people.
  • yorktown

    in this battle an american army trapped a british army and forced their surrender. this was considered to be a great victory for the colonial army to make a bigger military force back down to them. the ground that george washington forced the surrender on is now called surrender field.
  • treaty of paris 1783

    treaty of paris 1783
    the treaty of paris of 1783 was signed on september 3rd 1783 by the american officials and the british officials officially ending the american revolution and giving the americans their independence from the british. this is possibly one of the most important documents in american history because without it we wouldn't be anywhere near the country we are today without it. tensions still began to rise though due to some issues not resolved by the treaty.