
Poltical Deveopments of the Early Republic

  • Washington Becomes President

    Washington Becomes President
    G.w. wanted to makr sure the office of president was respected at home and aboroad. George Wasington did'nt want to be president. The American public greatly wanted him to be president.
  • Whiskey Rebelion

    Whiskey Rebelion
    The cause of whiskey was the uprising. George Washington response was that they was strong. They would take other state to protect there governent.
  • John Adams becomes President

    John Adams becomes President
    1797 John Adams was elected the nation's second president by a slim margin and runner up Thomas Jefferson became Vice President.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    The Alien and Sedition Acts jolhn adams was elected the nation's second's president by a slim margin. President Adams needed all of his wisom to keep the U.S. out of war
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes president

    Thomas Jefferson becomes president
    Thomas Jefferson Elected president in what he called the Revolution of 1800, he oversaw a peaceful transition in power, purchased the vast Louisiana Territory from France . He didnt want to be president but the people wanted him to be because they throught he would be a good president.
  • Marbury v Madison

    Marbury v Madison
    In the Marbury v. Madison said that the federalist veiw . The Republican jefferson and madison , the federalist veiw seemed undemocratic.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Jefferson have an uneasy feeling about the Louisiana Purchase because he supported the purchase of Louisiana , his decision left him with the uneasy feeling that he had ‘gone beyond the constitution.
    Americans raised concerns about the cost of the Louisiana purchase .The boundaries of the Louisiana was offered were vague , the acquisition of Louisiana Jefferson knew , would double the size of the U.S.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    Congress passed the Enbargo Act , whivh halted all foreign trade and a president who favored limited government , this extermely coercive measure was strong medicine indeed.