Politics Timeline

  • 507 BCE

    democracy develops in athens

    democracy develops in athens
    democracy was intoduced by an Athenian leader in 507BC. he called it "demokratia" which translates to "rule by the people". this type of democracy resembles direct democracy. this event links to social 30 because it was one of the forst democracies recorded and was the beginning of many states moving towards a democratic political policy
  • 27 BCE

    roman senate gives extraordanary powers to octivian

    roman senate gives extraordanary powers to octivian
    when the roman senate gave octavian extraordinary power, they pretty much turned the roman empire into a dictatorship. this lead to the end of the roman empire. this evet links to social 30 because it was one of the first dictatorships recorded.
  • John Locke wrote "Two Treatises of Government"

    John Locke wrote "Two Treatises of Government"
    the two treatises of government is a political philosphy published by John Locke, it outlines liberal political ideas that he had. this book relates to social 30 because locke believed in liberal policies that are still used in polics and economics today
  • montesquieu writes "The Spirit of Laws"

    montesquieu writes "The Spirit of Laws"
    this book was a comparitive study of three types of government: republic, monarchy, and despotism. Montesquieu believed that a seperation of powers would give balance to society. this piece of literature relates to social 30 because modern liberal socities have a sepreation of power similar to the one that montesquieu outlined.
  • Benjamin Franklin writes to James Parker

    Benjamin Franklin writes to James Parker
    Franklin writes to Parker about the federal organization of the Iroquois Confederacy. Franklin throught that the British colobies in America should adopt the federal system that the Iroquois used. this event links to social 30 because franklin beleived that the federal system used by the iriquois confederacy should be adopted by the goverenment in america
  • the united states of america became a republic

    the united states of america became a republic
    the continental congress adopted the declaration of independance, this started the prosses of making the united states a republic. this event links to social 30 because this was the birth of a country which includes the beginning of american politics and economics
  • the nation state of canada is created

    the nation state of canada is created
    with the passage of the British North America Act, Canada was created. this act provided responsible government for the former colonies. this event is linked to what is learned in social 30 because we spend a great deal of time learning about politics in canada and responisble government
  • Canada has its first secret ballot election

    Canada has its first secret ballot election
    the canadian election held in 1874 was to elect members of the house of commons. it was the first secret ballot election held in canada.this links to social 30 because we learn about different types of elections.
  • Lenin dies

    Lenin dies
    when Lenin died, he opened the doorway for Stalin to take power in the USSR. this event lead to a ruthless dictatorship and the death of millions of people. this event connects to social 30 becuase we learn about communism and dictatorships in the ussr
  • the persons' case

    the persons' case
    the persons' case was a consititutional ruling that established the right for woman to be appointed to the senate. this event connects to social 30 because letting women vote and be appointed to the senate is a basic right that everyone deserves. it also added more opinion ad perspective to the senate which led to so many other bills and human rights laws to be passed
  • Hitler passed the Enabling act

    Hitler passed the Enabling act
    the enabling act was a piece of legislature that turned Germany from a democracy to a dictarorship. this act allowed the government to do whatever they want without the consent of the parliment.this event links to social 30 because it is a law that let hitler do what he wanted to and dictate everything that happened n the country. in social 30 we learn about dictatorships and facism which are both shown in this event
  • First Nations people in Canada were granted suffrage

    First Nations people in Canada were granted suffrage
    in 1960, first nations people were granted the right to vote in federal elections without conditions. they no longer needed to give up their indian status to vote. this event relates to social 30 because it is a very important part of politics and it opened the door for new voices to be heard in politics
  • soweto uprising in south africa

    soweto uprising in south africa
    this uprising protested the majority tyranny laws that prevented black children from getting an education in their prefered language. some students were killed by the police in attemps to end the uprising. this event links to social 30 because it is a human rights violation and the use of force to move government policies forward which is a trait of dicatorships
  • the reform party of canada is created

    the reform party of canada is created
    the reform party of canada was created in 1987, and one of their main platforms was the creation of a Triple E Senate. this event relates to social 30 because we learn about the viewpoints of different political parties and the triple e senate
  • the referendum on the Charlottetown Accord fails to past

    the referendum on the Charlottetown Accord fails to past
    the referendum on the Charlottetown accord, would include include special rights for First Nations and Francophone Canadians failed to pass. it was a package of proposed ammendments to the constitution. this event links to social 30 because we learn about refernedums
  • george w bush wins his first term as president

    george w bush wins his first term as president
    george w bush won his first term in america based off of the electoral college system. he did not have majority vote, but still won based on the colleges. this event connects to social30 because we learn about the diufferent electoral systems, including the electoral college system in america
  • bill C-16 gets passed

    bill C-16 gets passed
    the harper governemnt passes bill c-16, which brought fixed date elections to canada's electoral system. this relates to social 30 because we learn about different types of elections and this one was implemented into our society
  • uk is used as a scape goat for the cholera outbreak in zimbabwe

    uk is used as a scape goat for the cholera outbreak in zimbabwe
    the president of zimbabwe balmed the uk for the disaterous cholera outbreak in zimbabwe in 2008. scapegoating a culture or group of people is a trait of a dictatorship