Columbus sails to Western Hemisphere
Treaty of Tordesillas
Vespucci reaches Brazil
Hernan Cortes leads Spanish forces to defeat Montezuma
Encomienda is replaced with repartimiento
Sugar Act
Quartering and Stamp Act
American revolutionary War
Declaration of Independence signed
Articles of Confederation ratified
Ratification of Constitution
Annexation of Texas
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed
Stricter Fugitive Slave Act
Dred Scott case decision
John Brown Raid
Boss Tweed
Emancipation Proclamation
Black Codes
Transcontinental railroad is completed
Little Big Horn
Booker T Washington head of Tuskegee Institute
Dawes Act of 1887
Battle of Wounded Knee
Spanish American War occurs
NAACP created
World War 1 begins
19th Amendment ratified
Black Tuesday
World War 2 Begins
NATO is created
Korean War
Brown v. Board of Education
Rosa Parks refuses seat on bus
Martin Luther King Jr. I have a Dream Speech
March on Washington
Black Panther Party