
  • Abolition Movement

    Abolition Movement
    Movement during the Antebellum period fighting to emancipate all slaves and abolish segregation immediately.the movement lasted about 50 years in hopes to eliminate discrimination against African Americans.
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    An Anti-Slavery newspaper published and edited by abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison. The paper was made to support anti-slavery and to promote people to be and take action against slavery.
  • 1850 compromise

    1850 compromise
    statements meant to settle slavery issues and amended the Fugitive Slave Act proposed by U.S. Senator Henry Clay.
  • "Gag rule"

    "Gag rule"
    Put in place by congrats to prohibit debates and discussions of anti-slavery. These rules were in place until 1844.
  • Seneca Falls convention

    Seneca Falls convention
    protests in NY for woman's rights, after the convenient the Declaration of Sentiments was written and woman slowly started to gain more right and freedoms.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    violent civil battles between anti-slavery activist and pro-slavery supporters in Kansas territories lasting until 18 61. These fights are credited to be the pre civil war.
  • Attack on the senate floor

     Attack on the senate floor
    pro slavery representative Preston Brooks attacks Senate Charles Sumner a abolitionist Republican on the senate floor, Brook's act of aggression was retaliation from a previous statement by Sumner.
  • Emancipation proclamation to Gettysburg

    Emancipation proclamation to Gettysburg
    freed enslaved people who were liberated in Confederate Union controlled areas and eventually allowed for black men to fight in the war(1864)
  • Trumbell's civil rights bill of 1866

    Trumbell's civil rights bill of 1866
    Eventually became the 14th Amendment
    the bill was vetoed and that veto was overturned for the first time in history.
  • President Johnson's impeachment trial

    President Johnson's impeachment trial
    Johnson was being brought to trial for vetoing civil rights legislation,Violating the Tenure of Office Act , and other misuses of presidential power. In a majority vote by Senate, Johnson missed impeachment by one vote.