Politicl Parties

  • Foundation of the Democratic Party

    Foundation of the Democratic Party
    Andrew Jackson founded the Democratic party in 1828.
  • First Convention for the Demorcrats

    First Convention for the Demorcrats
    The Party held its first National Convention in 1832 and nominated President Jackson for his second term.
  • Finding the Democrat Name

    In 1844, the National Convention simplified the Party's name to the Democratic Party
  • Democratic National Commitee

    In 1848, the National Convention established the Democratic National Committee, now the longest running political organization.
  • Founding of the Republican Party

    Founding of the Republican Party
    The Republican Party was founded in Jackson, Michigan
  • The Modern Republican Party is Born

    The Modern Republican Party is Born
    The Little White Schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, where the Republican Party was first organized locally in 1854
  • First GOP candidate for presedent nominated

    GOP stands for Grand Old Party
  • Lincoln nominated at RNC

    Lincoln nominated at RNC
  • Abraham Lincoln Dies

    Abraham Lincoln Dies
    Abraham Lincoln is assinated by John Wilkes Booth.
  • Factions join together

    Factions join together
    At the end of the Civil War the Democratic parties two factions joined together.
  • Ulysses S. Grant was elected.

    Ulysses S. Grant was the first Republican president to serve for two full terms