Political Timeline

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    The people who supported the ratification of the Constitution. The Federalist party was formed around Alexander Hamilton. The Federalists worked to create a stronger national government.
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    The Anti-Federalists are against the ratification of the Constitution. Jefferson resigned from Washington's cabinet to organize his party, known as the Anti-Federalists.
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    Democratic Republicans

    The Democratic-Republican Party was a political party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to oppose the policies of the new Federalist Party.
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    Jacksonian Democrats

    President Andrew Jackson Democratic party includes small farmers, debtors, pioneers, and slaveholders.
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    The Party of Lincoln

    The election of Abraham Lincoln made the Republican party the only party in the history of politics to make a jump from third-party to major-party status. The election marked the beginning of 75 years of Republican Party supremacy.
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    Roosevelt Democrats

    The Depression brings about a shift in the role of government, a return of Democrats is lead by FDR.
  • Modern Republicans

    Eisenhower favored Modern Republicanism, which preserved individual freedom and the market economy yet insured that government would provide necessary assistance to workers who had lost their jobs or to the ill or aged.
  • Modern Democrats

    This is the nations oldest political party in the United States. After the Civil War, the party dominated the South. After a major shift after the 20th century, today’s Democrats are known for their association with a strong federal government and support for minority and women’s rights, environmental protection and progressive reforms.