The First Political Parties
Political parties developed as representative assemblies grew in power. in England this change began after the Popish Plot in 1678. The Popish Plot was a rumor that the Roman Catholics were going to kill King Charles ll so that Charle's brother James could have the throne. -
Alexander Hamilton and other leaders who wanted a strong centeral government banded together to put over their policies. In 1787 they began calling themselves the Federalists. This was the first United States political party. -
In 1796 anti federalists started gathering around Jefferson. The members of Jefferson's group called themselves Democratic-Republicans. -
In 1828, Andrew Jackson, a Democratic-Republican man from Tennessee, was elected president. His party had great support in the South and West. Jackson changed the party's name to Democrats. -
In 1854 antislavery forces and Free Soil forces (a group from Buffalo, New York) formed the Republican party. The first Republican president was John C. Fremont, in 1856. -
U.S third parties
The Republicans have a splinter group called the Progressive or 'Bull Moose" party. After World War ll Southern Democrats formed the States' Rights, or "Dixiecrat," party to protest a spreading movement to settle the civil rights for African Americans.