
Political Party Timeline

By lamp12
  • The First Political Parties

    The First Political Parties
    Political parties developed as representative assemblies grew in power. in England this change began after the Popish Plot in 1678. The Popish Plot was a rumor that the Roman Catholics were going to kill King Charles ll so that Charle's brother James could have the throne.
  • Federalists

    Alexander Hamilton and other leaders who wanted a strong centeral government banded together to put over their policies. In 1787 they began calling themselves the Federalists. This was the first United States political party.
  • anti-Federalists

    In 1796 anti federalists started gathering around Jefferson. The members of Jefferson's group called themselves Democratic-Republicans.
  • Democrats

    In 1828, Andrew Jackson, a Democratic-Republican man from Tennessee, was elected president. His party had great support in the South and West. Jackson changed the party's name to Democrats.
  • Republicans

    In 1854 antislavery forces and Free Soil forces (a group from Buffalo, New York) formed the Republican party. The first Republican president was John C. Fremont, in 1856.
  • U.S third parties

    U.S third parties
    The Republicans have a splinter group called the Progressive or 'Bull Moose" party. After World War ll Southern Democrats formed the States' Rights, or "Dixiecrat," party to protest a spreading movement to settle the civil rights for African Americans.