Labor party founded by trade union movement
Labor made national politics
The name 'Australian Labor Party' was adopted
The Nationals party was created
Period: to
The National party name: 'Australian Country Party'
Nationals held balance of power (14 seats)
Coalition formed
Period: to
Labor out of office (Great Depression)
Liberal Party of Australia Formed
Robert Menzies -
'The Liberal Party of Australia' was adopted
Liberal party membership reached 40 000
First election was fought by Liberal
Liberals won in Victoria, WA and SA
Liberals elected to national government
Period: to
Liberal Party governed for 23 years
Sir Robert Menzies retires (founder of Liberal)
Period: to
Liberal Party governed
Period: to
'National Country Party' (Nationals)
Period: to
Nationals named: 'The National Party of Australia'
Labor Party returns to power under Robert Hawk
Period: to
Labor in office
Labor re-elected
Labor re-elected
Paul Keating took leadership of Labor Party
The Greens political party was formed
Liberal Party re-elected to govern Australia
Liberal party took office under John Howard
Liberal Party re-elected to govern Australia
Liberal Party re-elected to govern Australia
Greens won a House of Representatives seat
Liberal Party re-elected to govern Australia
Greens won two additional senate seats
Period: to
'The Nationals' is the current party name
Kevin Rudd becomes Labor Party's Leader
Kevin Rudd sworn in as Prime Minister
Julia Gillard becomes 1st Australian PM (Labor)
Abbott Coalition Government took office
Malcolm Turnbull becomes prime minster (Liberal)