Hamilton and other people wanted a strong central government.
They created a group called the fedralists. -
They were against the ideas of the Fedralists.
Jefferson helped find this political party. -
American political parties
George Washington was against seperating into faction or seperate parties he said it would ruin America James Madison thought seperte parties were probably nessasary Alexnder Hamilton was also against political parties -
Democrats and Republicans
The anti-slavery movement seperated the Democrats and Republicans even more.
The great depression also helped put a canyon in between these two parties. -
USA third parties
In the USA both political parties have become fairly popular.
But like always so me people didn't agree with some of the ideas so they created their own party. -
Political Parties in other countries
Some countries only have one political party.
In China there is onlu one party, The communist party.
Some other countries have democracies.
Britan has a two party system.