Period: 1509 to 1547
Henry VII Reign
His reign is marked by the schism between English church and Roman church. -
Ninety Five Theses
Written by Martin Luther. -
New Testament translation in german
Translated by martin Luther, who will be imprisoned after doing so. -
Tyndale Bible
Act in Restrained Appeal
People could not appeal to the Pope to overturn Henry's ruling on the church. -
Period: 1533 to
Elizabeth I reign
Compromise for the two main religions of England :
Protestantism and Catholicism, which will create tensions. -
Act of Supremacy
The King becomes the head of the church of England. -
Pilgrimage of Grace
Rebellions in Yorkshire and Linconshire -
Period: 1547 to 1553
Edward VI reign
Short reign marked by the rise of protestantism measures. -
Book of common Prayers
Period: 1553 to 1558
Mary Tudor reign
First queen ever to reign over England, wasn't really popular. Her reign is marked by her catholic reforms and massacres. -
Start of the "Bloody Mary" phase
About 200 protestants were burned, whereas some had tu undergo exile. -
Act of Uniformity
Papal Bull "Regnans in Excelsis"
Publisher in order to diss the Queen. -
Northern rebellion
Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth I
Due to the Queen's compromise, the Pope excommunicated her. -
Treason Act
It was considered as highly treason to intend harm to the Queen or say that she was an illegitimate heir to the throne. -
Execution of Mary Queen of Scotts
Queen Elizabeth I eliminated her biggest threat at the moment. -
James I becomes king of England
James I was first proclaimed King on Scottland and then became king of England. -
Period: to
James I
The Grand Remonstrance
An important document voted by Parliament after heated debates summarizing all the wrong doing of Charles I. -
Thirty years war end
This war between Spain and England first started in 1618 -
King Charles I execution
Due to several crisis, King Charles was executed.