Economic Events

  • GI Bill

    GI Bill
    The GI was made to provide relief for the veterans of World War II. This law granted government
    loans to veterans who wished to start a new business
    or build a home. It also provided money for veterans to
    attend school or college. This provided money for veterans contributing to economics in WWII
  • Sputnick

    Soviet Union successfully launched the first earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik.
  • Education (NDEA)

    A U.S. federal legislation passed by Congress on September 2, 1958, that provided funding to improve American schools and to promote postsecondary education.
  • Space Race

    The space race was a series of competitive technology demonstrations. It was between the United States and the Soviet Union, they were trying to show who was superior in relation to spaceflight.
  • Lunar Landing

    Lunar Landing
    Apollo 11 was the aircraft that landed the first two humans on the Moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, became the
    first to step onto the. The U.S spent $25.8 billion on Project Apollo.