French Revolution
A watershed event in modern European history, the French Revolution began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. During this period, French citizens razed and redesigned their country’s political landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions such as absolute monarchy and the feudal system. Like the American Revolution before it, the French Revolution was influenced by Enlightenment ideals, particularly the concepts of popular sovereignty and inalienable righ -
Little Turtle
Little Tutlr Was an indian and he led American Indians to defeat a small force sent by Washington, He was the cheif of the Maimi, and he was also born there. He was born near present day Fort Wayne and was noted for his oratorical poweres, military skills, and intelligence. He reluctanly signec the Treaty of Greenfield (Ohio) in 1795. -
Settlement in the Northwest Territory
The Treaty of Paris Granted the U.S. a vast newe territory. This territory was west of the Appalachians and was a pretty decent size amount of land. The Northwest Territory, or Old Northwest, refers to the states of Ohio, Illinois, Michigvan, Wisconsin,band a portion of Minnesota. This region comprimies more than 260,000 square miles. -
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion all started when the government raised the tax on whiskey. This caused a big dispute and ended with a huge disagreement. Federalists blamed the rebellion in part on a set of political clubs known as the democratic societies. Clubs formed in part to oppose the federalists. Washinton denounced the clubs as "The most diabolical attempt to detroy the best febric of humen part government and happiness. -
Washington won Reelection
George Washington won the election again in 1792. He won the election because he was a smart and he used to be a soldier in the US army. H was a big hero to kidas and adults all over the country. He was looked up to by everyone and it was to no shocker that he won the first and second election. -
Washington Declares Neutrality
This stated that the United States would not get involved in a war with two or more other powers, specifically France and Great Britain. This also threatened legal proceedings to any citizen that gives assistance to another country at war. -
Domestic and Foreign Affairs
In the 1790's america was having troubles with territories and money. We were alos writing the Bill of Rights and two of our grieat alliances (Britain and France) resumed there war. The most difficult thing for the US to do was stay neutral so the we didn't loose an alliance. The way we solved these problems was to set up, or the contitution, about money, taxes, and that we needed to have a ruler of the government. -
Battle of Fallen Timbers
The Battle of Timbers, on August 20, 1794, was the last major conflict of the Northwest Territory Indian War between Native Americans and the United States. At the battle, near present-day Toledo, Ohio, General Anthony Wayne (1745-96) led U.S. troops to victory over a confederation of Indian warriors whose leaders included Chief Blue Jacket of the Shawnees and Chief Little Turtle of the Miamis. The Treaty of Greenville, signed the following year, opened up much of present-day Ohio to white settl -
Jay Treaty of 1794
Jay’s Treaty, officially titled “Treaty of Amity Commerce and Navigation, between His Britannic Majesty; and The United States of America,” was negotiated by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay and signed between the United States and Great Britain on November 19, 1794. Tensions between the two countries had increased since the end of the Revolutionary War over British military posts still located in America's northwestern territory and British interference with American trade and shipping. Jay -
U.S. signs treaty with spain
Thomas Pinckney was the US politician who arranged the 1795 Treaty with Spain, negotiated with Manuel de Godoy, the Prime Minister of Spain. It was called the Treaty of San Lorenzo, now popularly referred to as Pinckney's Treaty. Pinckney's Treaty was signed in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, in Madrid, Spain, on October 27, 1795. Pinckney's Treaty was ratified on March 7, 1796 -
Washington declined to run again.
This was a shocker to everyone who cared about the United States and he was very serious about it. The reason that George Washington declined to run again was because he wanted to spend more time with his family because of all the time he spent away from his family when he was in the army, and in the office. -
Political Parties Emerge
In the election of 1796 two political parties emerged. These two parties where federalists and repulicans-democratics. This shocked many of the older leaders and it took them awhile to understand the new way but the people understood it. The election of 1796 was the first election to use the two parties. Federalists was lead by John Adams and were stongly supported by the Hamilton policies supporters. The democratic-republicans were led by Jefferson and Adams and we followed by farmers.