Political Developments of the Early Republic

By Bens617
  • Washington Becomes President

    Washington Becomes President
    George Washington did not want to become president but was still loved by all people also he beilived in doing his job riht and have respect and he was above partisan wrangling.
  • Whiskey Reblellion

    Whiskey Reblellion
    the whiskey reblellion was a cause of the resentment felt by western farmers toward a federal excis tax on whiskey.the response by the famers where they waylaid officials across.This response was dangerous to the federal government becaus eit caused challenges to governmet authority
  • Joan Adams

    Joan Adams
    John Adams was a scholar who thrived on an intellectual diet of books and ideas.adams sided with the federalists. adams distrusted the common people and believed that liberty could best preserved by a powerful gobernment headed by a strong and able executive such as himself
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    the reasons these laws were created was to stop attacks on the president. one the laws made it hard to become a citizen and the second made it illgal to talk bad about the president.this showed that adams was someone who did not like people saying bad things about him
  • jefferson becomes president

    Jefferson was a republican.jefferson was a man who thought everyone was a repulican ands federalist and he also liked harmony and liberty.He thought that governmetshould be small,frugal,and limited power.
  • marbury vs. madison

    the case was about madsion to deliver his commission. the decision was that marubury did indeed have a legal right to his commission.It established for the first time the power of the supreme court to strike down an act of congress that violated the constitution and it made it stronger by creating a new part of government checks
  • louisiana Purchase

    louisiana Purchase
    the louisiana purchase is when france offered to sell louisiana for 15 million dollars. this shows that he sometimes made the wrong choices in political veiws. te people did not like t beacuse they thoughtit would cost them to much.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    the cause of the embargo act was attacks on us ships. The acts where to protect the us ships. the affects where it made budgets cuts and this mader it hard to fix there ships