political development of the early rupublic

  • Washington becomes the first president

    Washington becomes the first president
    george washington was not sure he wanted to be president . the americans pubblic greatly wanted him to be their first president. washington wanted to make sure the office of president was respected at home and abroad
  • The Whisky Rebellion

    The Whisky Rebellion
    the immediate cause of this uprising was the resentment fely by western farmers towards a federal excise tax on whiskey. in thier eyes the excise tax was a tax thier livelihood the whiskey tax had exploding into rebllion
  • John Adams becomes President

    John Adams becomes President
    In 1796 John Adams was elected the nation second President by a slim margin.
  • Alien and sedition act

    Alien and sedition act
    The American take slides in the ws between the French and the British . adams insistence on neutrality angered them. they launched a series of virulent attacks on the president .
  • Thomas Jefferson Becmoes president

    thomas jefferson was the 2nd vice president . thomas jefferson was a loyal person . his veiw on government was tht it should be small frugul and should be limited
  • marbury v. madison

    marbury v. madison
    the Federalist view that the Supreme Court should be the ultimate guardian of the rule of law and the Constitution. Marbury had a right to his appointment . supreme court was able to strike down an act of congress .
  • Louisana Purchase

    Louisana Purchase
    The Boundaries were stretched from Mississippi River west to the Rocky Mountains and from Canada south to Texas
    the louisiana purchase was a big piece of land that was offered to USby france in 1803. It was offered for 15 million.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    many americans want to go to war with the british. Jefferson does not want the country to go to war . the american army and navy are weak due to budget cuts made by jefferson. in south & west armers were alarmed by the mountains of unshipped tabacco , cotton , and grain piling up on docks