Political Conflict, Industrialization, and Reform

  • Creation of the Steamboat

    Creation of the Steamboat
    The steamboat was invented by John Fitch in Philadelphia. The creation of the steamboat contributed to the improvement of transportation, trade, commerce, etc.
  • 2nd Great Awakening

    2nd Great Awakening
    The second great awakening was the protestant revival in the United States. The second great awakening set the stage for equal social reform movements, especially abolitionism and temperance.
  • Creation of the National Bank

    Creation of the National Bank
    The National Bank was created to help fund the public debt left by the American Revolution. The bank also facilitated the issuance of a stable national currency and provided a convenient means of exchange for all the people of the U.S.
  • Invention of Cotton Gin

    Invention of Cotton Gin
    Invented by Eli Whitney, the cotton gin was created to quickly separate seeds from cotton. The cotton gin helped make cotton a profitable export crop in the southern states of the U.S.
  • The National Road

    The National Road
    The National Road was the first highway that was built completely with federal funds. The National Road is significant because it linked the eastern and western states.
  • Lowell System

    Lowell System
    The Lowell system was the use of water-powered mills. These mills usually employed young unmarried women.
  • Tariff of 1816

    Tariff of 1816
    This tariff was passed to protect the well-being of American industry. This tariff added a 25% tax on imported wool and cotton goods.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    John Quincy Adams ran against and beat Andrew Jackson in 1824. However, Jackson won the popular vote and had more electoral votes.
  • American System

    American System
    The "American System," Henry Clay's speech, was devised in the burst of nationalism after the War of 1812. This has remained one of the most historically significant examples of a government-sponsored program to harmonize and balance the nation's agriculture, commerce, and industry.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson won, carrying 55.5% of the popular vote and 178 electoral votes, compared to Adams' 83. The election began the rise of Jacksonian Democracy and also the shift from the First Party System to the Second Party System.
  • South Carolina Exposition and Protest

    South Carolina Exposition and Protest
    Written in 1828 by Vice President Calhoun of S. Carolina to protest the "Tariff of Abominations". The "Tariff of Abominations" seemed to favor Northern industry and introduced the concept of state interposition, becoming the basis for South Carolina's Nullification Doctrine of 1833.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    When the federal government forced nearly 125,000 Native Americans off their land. The goal was to obtain more land for white settlers to use for cotton and farming.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act was passed by President Andrew Jackson. The purpose of this act was to move Indians out west and to clear out existing states for settlement.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The nullification crisis began when South Carolina nullified a federal tariff, one that favored northern manufacturing over the South's agriculture. This happened during Andrew Jackson's presidency.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    The Panic of 1837 was a financial crisis within the United States that led to the beginning of a major depression. For the American people, prices, profits, and wages dropped.