Political Conflict in the West from 1750-1914

  • French Revolution Begins

    The middle class, driven by new Enlightenment ideas, created a new modern parliament that helped abolish manorialism, seized church property, and passed a new constitution that claimed individual rights including freedom of religion, press, and property. This event showed continuity in the political experiences in the West and paved the way for other revolutions in Europe.

    Between 1750-1914 the West experienced major political unrest in the form of internal revolutions driven by social and ideological differences in areas ranging from France to Canada.
  • Greece and Spanish Revolution

    Fueled by nationalism, many students and urban artisans in Greece revolted against Ottoman and Balkan rule. This along with the rebellions in Spain were continuous with the political pattern in Europe at the time.
  • Mexican-American War Begins

    An American victory resulted in over half of Mexico’s land being claimed by the United States. However, this loss rallied a sense of nationalism in Mexico. This was a change because most conflict was internal rather than between two nations
  • First Maori War Begins

    Internal conflict of the Maori people in New Zeland peaked in this time period due to social issues. This was continuous with the political conflict patterns set by other countries experiencing internal conflict.
  • Revolutions in Europe

    Major revolutions in European countries such as Germany, Austria, and Hungary resulted in liberal constitutions in opposition of the previously conservative monarchies along with social reforms to restrain industrialization and the end of manorialism. This was continuous with the political reforms and revolutions that took place across Europe during this time period.
  • Secong Maori War Begins

    Previous disagrements came back to a head and major conflict outbroke amoung the Maori people. This was continous with the internal political conflicts observed around the world
  • American Civil War Begins

    The brutal internal war was brought about due to social issues separated Northern and Southern United States and resulted in the abolishment of slavery. This shows continuity of revolutions and internal conflict over social issues in the West.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russia, amid the time of the Triple Entente alliance, experienced a revolution that put their alliances jeopardy. This was still continuous with the political pattern in Europe during this time period.
  • Balkan Wars

    Internal wars in the Balkan region resulted in large land gain for several states and became a threat to surrounding areas such as Austria. These wars were continuity compared to the political conflicts present in Europe during the 1800s - early 1900s.
  • World War I Begins

    The major powers of the world clashed while the Triple Alliance competed against the Triple Entente. This was a change in political patterns because most of the previous conflicts were internal rather that international