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    When the U.S tried to contain communism where it was so that it wouldn't spread.
  • Truman Docrine

    It established that the U.S would provide assistance to all democratic nations.
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    Korean War

    It was a conflict between North Korea and South Korea
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    Space Race

    It was a competition between the U.S and the Soviet Union to see who could conquer space exploration.
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    Vietnam War

    It was a conflict between communist North Vietnam and South Vietnam which also involved the U.S
  • Sputnik launches

    It was the first artificial Earth satellite that was launched by the Soviet Union
  • Assassination of John F Kennedy

    President John F Kennedy was fatally shot while riding in a presidential motorcade.
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    Johnson's Great Society

    A set of domestic programs launched by President Lyndon B. Johson.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    It authorized President Lyndon B. Johnson to use any means necessary to repel any attack against U.S forces during the Vietnam War.
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    Tet Offensive

    A coordinated series of attacks by North Vietnamese forces in many cities and outposts in South Vietnam.
  • Assassination of Robert Kennedy

    Senator Robert F, Kennedy was shot at the Ambassador Hotel.
  • Presidential Election of 1968

    It was an election between Republic Richard Nixon and Democrat Hubert Humphrey.
  • Moon Landing

    It was when America's spaceflight landed the first humans on the moon.