

  • Fingerprinting

    Fingerprinting was first used in the United States by law enforcement.
  • First Female Killed In Line Of Duty

    Nellie Wicks, who was a Head Attendant for the New York State Department of Corrections, had became the first female law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty when she was fatally stabbed by an inmate on September 27, 1906.
  • Fewer than 100 officers were killed

    The last year in United States history fewer than 100 officers were killed in the line of duty.
  • Berkeley Police

    The Bekeley police became the first agency to have all patrol officers using automobiles.
  • Eliot Ness

    Eliot Ness
    Federal Agent Eliot Ness begins his legendary law enforcement career and is picked to lead a group of agents nicknamed “The Untouchables” — Marty Lahart, Sam Seager, Barney Cloonan, Lyle Chapman, Tom Friel, Joe Leeson, Paul Robsky, Mike King, Bill Gardner, Al ‘Wallpaper’ Wolff and two other associates, Frank Basile and Jim Seeley.
  • Correctional Terror Day

    Eight Correctional Officers are killed at the Colorado State Penitentiary — the most ever to die in one incident at a correctional institution: Raymond Brown, John Eeles, E G Erwin, J W McClelland, C Walter Rinker, Charles Shepherd, Robert Wiggins and Myron Goodwin.
  • Deadliest Year

    312 Officers were killed and it was the deadliest year in police enforcement history.
  • Period: to

    John Dillinger

    John Dillinger and his gang murdered ten law enforcement officers — more than any other outlaw. They were responsible for the deaths of Officer Howard Wagner, Trooper Eugene Teague, Sheriff Jesse Sarber, Sergeant William Shanley, Patrolman William O’Malley, Patrolman Martin O’Brien, Officer Francis Mulvihill, Chief Franklin Culp, Detective Henry Perrow and Undersheriff Charles Cavanagh. (
  • Young Brother Massacre

    Young Brother Massacre
    Six lawmen were killed as they attempted to apprehend two suspects wanted in the murder of Greene County Marshal Mark Noe: Greene County Sheriff Marcell Hendrix, Deputy Ollie Crosswhite, Deputy Wiley Mashburn, Springfield Police Chief Detective Tony Oliver, Detective Sidney Meadows and Officer Charley Houser. This incident became known as the Young Brothers Massacre.
  • John F Kennedy

    John F Kennedy
    Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit is shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald after Oswald assassinates President John F. Kennedy.
  • Female Officers History

    Female Officers History
    Betty Blankenship and Elizabeth Robinson of the Indianapolis (IN) Police Department become the first female police officers in the United States to work as patrol officers on the street. The pair are transferred from administrative assignments after meeting with Chief of Police Winston Churchill and asking to be put on street patrols.
  • Highway patrol

    Highway patrol
    Four California Highway Patrolmen, James Pence, Roger Gore, Walt Frago and George Alleyn died in a 4 minute gun battle with two heavily-armed suspects. The Newhall Incident, as it became known, reverberated throughout the law enforcement community and led to major reforms in training procedures, firearms use, and arrest techniques.
  • Officers down

    Seven Correctional Officers were killed during the riots at the Attica State Prison in upstate New York: William Quinn, Edward Cunningham, John D’Archangelo Jr, Richard Lewis, Carl Valone, Ronald Werner and Harrison Whalen.
  • Body armor

    Body armor
    Police start wearing soft body armor to protect themselves against handgun assaults.
  • Gail Cobb

    Gail Cobb
    Officer Gail Cobb of the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, D.C., is shot and killed while attempting to apprehend a robbery suspect. Officer Cobb is the first of 73 African-American female officers to be killed in the line of duty.
  • President Reagan

    President Ronald Reagan signs Public Law 98-534, authorizing the Law Enforcement Officers Fund to establish a Memorial in Washington, D.C. to honor law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty.
  • Memorial

    The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C.
  • Special Agents

    Four Special Agents of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) were killed attempting to execute a search warrant at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas: Todd McKeehan, Robert J Williams, Conway LeBleu, and Steven Willis.
  • Public Law

    Public Law 103-322 authorizing American Flag to be flown at half-staff on May 15, Peace Officers Memorial Day, was enacted into law.
  • Disaster Strikes

    Timothy McVeigh explodes a truck bomb that destroys the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The blast kills 168 people, including eight Federal law enforcement officers: Agents Cynthia Brown, Paul Broxterman, Paul Ice, Donald Leonard, Mickey Maroney, Kenneth McCullough, Claude Medearis and Alan Whicher.
  • President signs public law

    President William Jefferson Clinton signs into law Public Law 106-492, authorizing the NLEOMF to build the National Law Enforcement Museum. The bill was sponsored by U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) and U.S. Representative Joel Hefley (R-CO).
  • Terrorist attack

    The deadliest day in law enforcement history occurred when 72 officers were killed while responding to the terrorist attacks on America.
  • Homeland security was formed

    The Department of Homeland Security is formed to lead the unified national effort to secure America.
  • Officers Museum

    The National Law Enforcement Officers Museum at the Motorola Solutions Foundations Building is dedicated in Washington, DC.