
  • The English Heritage

    The English Heritage
    Formal law enforcement began officially in 13th century. The branches responsible for Law Enforcement were the following: Constable, Sheriff, & Justice of the Peace, private citizens. They didn't work with urbanization and industrialization.
    Sir Robert Peel created policing principals & Parliament: London Metropolitan Police (1829)
    as well as focused on Modern Law Enforcement
    and its mission, strategy, and organizational structure.
    Sir Robert Peel
  • Law Enforcement in Colonial America

    Law Enforcement in Colonial America
    Consisted of - Sheriff - appointed by colonial
    governor. Law enforcement, collect taxes, elections, infrastructure. Watch - patrol to guard against fire, crime, & originally night watch only
    Slave Patrol - guard against slave revolts and
    capture runaway slaves Constable -responsibility for enforcing law & order first elected, then
    appointed. Law enforcement was inefficient, disorganized, political, reactive, non-investigative/equipped
    Slave Patrol
  • The First Modern American Police

    The First Modern American Police
    Boston Police made up of 9 in 1838. NY -1845 first with day/night shift. Urbanization, industrialization, immigration,
    tension with ethnic groups, riots in
    cities (NY/BOS) disregard for law,
    high violence & need for new kind of law.
    Americans did not trust a police force/didn't want to pay, feared corruption
    Took ideas from UK - beat presence, watch, patrol with paramilitary structure. Hat & badge, not uniform or gun until late 1800s.
    First Police
  • The "Political Era" in American Policing

    The "Political Era" in American Policing
    Adjuncts of the political machine - inefficiency & corruption. No personnel standard or training. Foot patrol with no phones, cars or radios and little response. Not respected, brutality, misconduct, began to carry guns after high crime rates. Came to replacing “bad” police with “good” police.
  • The Professional Era

    The Professional Era
    Move to professionalism, 1908 State Police & investigate units, cars, car phones & radios in 1930s, better pay, less politics, hire quality leaders, higher standards, specialized units & command force. August Vollmer “Father of Police Professionalism” fought for education & poliscience classes. Awareness to reform & police brutality. Emphasis on training & efficiency. FBI more jurisdiction & power. Academy at Quantico. Attempts for change very ignored. Agencies mostly white, few black officers.
  • The Police Crises of the 1960s

    The Police Crises of the 1960s
    SC Decisions Miranda v Mapp high crime rates, riots & protests, affirmative action in employment. Era of Conflicting Pressures/Civil Rights Movement, deadly force by white police, broad discretion. Kerner Commission (1968) found “deep hostility between police & ghetto communities” Called for changes to ensure proper conduct, hiring more black officers, improvement of citizen complaint system.Conflict with minority communities & excessive force Power
  • New Developments in Policing

    New Developments in Policing
    Changing police officers through race, gender, education. Control of police discretion, handling of lawsuits and police unions. Significant improvement in salaries and benefits for police. Citizen Oversight boards that review complaints against PD,
    make suggestions for improvement and
    enforce those suggestions. Community policing & problem-oriented policing
  • The National Police Crisis

    The National Police Crisis
    Improvements have been made in
    American Policing, race still plays a role in many police problems + racial profiling. The events in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014 created a National Police Crisis. "The crisis created a high level of public awareness and concern about policing and police reform that has already served as a necessary predicate to police reform efforts." Another incident in 2020, the death of George Floyd caused significant riots and awareness throughout the country.
  • The New Age Community Era

    The New Age Community Era
    I would call todays and future policing era The New Age Community Era. Based upon all discussed era's, there have been many failed attempts of police reform and change that allows police to have longstanding quality relationships with the public. I believe that community policing is a great aspect of policing in which the community and residents can gain trust within their police officers to report crime and better the quality of life for all involved.