neutrality proclimation
george washington declared that america would stay neutral in the war between britan and france, breaking a promice to france made in the revolutionary war. -
alien sedation act
in 1798 john quincy adams passed the aliens sedation act witch made it harder to become a citizen of these here united states of america so ameria became safer from immegrants who took 'er jabs. http://www.biography.com/ -
The Lousianna Purchace
In 1803 Thomas jefforson doubled the size of America by purchacing the Lousianna territory from France. In there we bought part of the staates Missori Iowa Minnesota North Dakota South dakota Nebraska and Kansas. biography.com -
War With Tripoli
tripoli chared money from american trading ships for protection from pirates. when they moved the price up then thomas jefforson declared war and sent in the navy. before the navy was small and thomas jefforson didnt think it was nessary and after the war he supported the navy and wanted it to be bigger. http://www.biography.com/ -
The Battle Of Tippacano
In 1811 the white settlers in the south east broke lots of treaties with the indians. The indians retaliated so James Madison sent in troops to move the indians who wouldnt become like the white farmers and america defeted them in the battle of tippecanoe. He then sent all the indians to Oklahoma. biography.com -
The Monroe Doctorine
in 1823 James Monroe signed the Monroe Doctorine. this stated that if a European nation tried to gain territory in the western hemisphere it would be concidered a direct threat to America. biography.com -
Tarriff of Abominations
in 1828 John Quincy Adams passed the terriff of abominations and raised taxes on foreign goods to keep the northern factories safe. the northerners liked it but the southerners didnt because now everything costed more. biography.com -
the Indian Remooval Act
in 1830 American settelers in Georgia Alabama and Mississippi were breaking lots of treaties made by the American government mTo the cherokee indians. The indians faught the settelers to try to make them stop so Jackson sent in troops to move the indians to indian territory in present day Oklahoma. This made room for a lot of white settelers but killed a lot of indians too.