Proclamation of Neutrality
President Gorge Washionton didn't want to be a part of Britian and Frances war. America didn't join the war. We satyed in America. We stayed Netural. -
Aleins and sedition acts
President John Adams made becoming a legal immagrant harder. This made it become harder to become a citizen. This effect America by having less legal citizens -
the Luissian percase
President Tomas Jefferson doubled the land of the U.S.he spent 15 million dollars.It sold for 3 cents an acer. Now we have the states Missuri, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Soulth Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. -
War with Tripoli
President Tomas Jefferson in 1805 made a peace treaty with Tripoli. We got a bigger navy because of this. -
the Battle of trippccano
James Maddison went to battle aganinst the Indians. In the Northwest Territory.THe Americans tried to Indians farmers. Insead they kicked the indians out and replaces theem with white farmers. -
Monroe Doctrine
President Monroe was president when Mexico got independance all europeans that tried to make land on our land theirs were dangerous. Europeans weren't allowed to make anything in our hemesphere. -
Tarriff of Abomination
President Quinncy Adams raised taxes on forien goods. The soulth ended up paying more for manufaactured goods. -
The Indian Removal Act
President Andrew Jackson made cherrickes move to indian territory forced off their land. 15,000 people got moved off their land. Many Indians died, they made room for whites on indian land.