Alien and Sedition act
john adam was invovlved. it happened 1718 in the U.S. They issued a series of law calling Alien and sediments acts. An alien enemies act in which the subject of an enemy nation might be deported or impronsed in war time. Sources: wikipedi -
Proclamination of Nation
George Washington , France, and Great Braitin were invovled. It happened in April 1793. Proclamination of Nation was the ofical annocment of U.S goverment policy towards great Braitin and France during the war between the two country. Although the U.S owed france for helping in America revolution war and promised to help france. Washington felt
that the U.S was not ready for another war. Sources : LIbrary of congress -
War with Tripoli
The people that were invovled were Tom Jefferson, Pasha. It took place in the U.S, North Africa. It happened in may 14, 1801. Tome Jefferso refused to make any additional payment and tropli issued a declaration of war on united state. Tom sent U.S wanship to Tripoli. As a result of war, increased its size U.S novel Sources: library of cangress defense on Tripoli from Egypt finally ended the war. -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson, France, and William Clerk were ivolved. This happened at Louisiana in 1803. What happened was Jeffereson doubled the land area of the U.S $15 million mississippi belonged to rance and it became the U.S. In November 1805 their experdition reached the pacific ocean. Source: Wikipedia -
Battle of Tippecanoe
President James Madison was involved and Native American's. This happened in 1811 at Norhtwest Territory. What happened was Indians were pushed of their tribal land and replaced entirely by white settlers. In 1815, with a population of 400,000 European American settlers In Ohio.Indian rights to their lands had effectifly became invalid. Source: Libarary of congress sources Library of congress -
Monroe Poeline
President James Monroe was involved. It happened in 1825 at Mother country land in Europe. President Monroe warned the European powers that he would consider any attempt on their part. The idea spelled out in the Monroe Dovtrine were very important and continued to shape American foreign policy to this very day. Sources: Library of congress Source -
Tariff of Abominations
John Quincy was invovled. It happened in 1828 in the U,S. They approved tariff of abominations and these taxes made foreign goods expensive for people to pay. South ended up paying more for manafactured goods but last on raw metrials they produced. -
Indian Removel
President Jackson was involved. It happened in 1830, In 1830 Jackson helped push the indians removel act through congress. The indian removel had five tribes, They were once award edmedy for heloing Anderew Jackson furing the Dangerous battle. Sources: LIbrary of congress