Police Issues We Are Facing

  • Before

    Throughout the years we have always had mixed issues with the police. Some believe that the police system is corrupted and is no longer needed as where some believe the Police system is not perfect of course but it is important to our society.
  • The Death Of George Floyd

    The Death Of George Floyd
    On May, 25th, 2020 George Floyd lost his life when a police officer kneed him in the neck cutting off his air way. Floyd was cooperating with the police though it did not stop them from taking his life. A stand by got the whole crime on film which got released to the public hours later.
  • The Beginning Of Justice For Floyd

    The Beginning Of Justice For Floyd
    After the video went public was when the protesting for defunding the police and Justice for Floyd began. All over America people of all colors began protesting defending the Police and BLM (Black Lives Matter)
  • BLM (Black Lives Matter)

    BLM (Black Lives Matter)
    After the death of Floyd started BLM (Black Lives Matter) started protesting. All over the world people began protesting BLM. Then the movement made its way to the White House. Thousands of people stood out front of the White House protesting both BLM and defunding the police.
  • Defunding the Police Protests

    Defunding the Police Protests
    Defunding the police protesting started not too long ago after BLM. Though unlike BLM and the Justice for Floyd not everyone agreed with defunding the police. This protesting got so serious that a lot of law informants quit and many people no longer had respect for the police.
  • The Starting Of Defunding The Police

    The Starting Of Defunding The Police
    The protesting got so serious that many states began defunding the police. Seattle, New York, Chicago and a dozen more states which left their city in disaster.
  • The After Math Of Defunding The Police

    The After Math Of Defunding The Police
    After defunding the police the cites got hit with the after math. Without the police many people were killed and many laws were broken because there was no law enforcement to protect these cities. A lot of cites brought back their law enforcement but not all of them.
  • Justice For George Floyd

    Justice For George Floyd
    In June 2021 the officer that took Floyds life was sentenced to 22 years in prison. The other two officers were prosecuted and sentenced to three years in prison. Finally Floyd got Justice though some thought it was not enough.
  • The Effects It Had On Our Police

    The Effects It Had On Our Police
    In 2022 our police departments are being hit with the aftermath of the past two years. Police Departments are struggling to find recruitment and are struggling to keep Police officers hired. Through this all the police officers are struggling to gain respect for their work. This issue is definitely not over and I think it won't be for awhile tell someone stands up and makes some changes.