Congo gets colonized
Orleanna and Nathan get married
Nathan goes to War and is changed forever
Orleanna and Nsthan move to Bethlehem
Adah realizes she's not a christian during Sunday school
They get hope chests.
Rachel is excited and does well. Leah abandons her project. -
Rachel is considered an outsider for the first time
Leah is considered normal in the Congo
"Easter" in the Congo
the Prices came to the Congo
Ruth May sees the diamonds
Ruth May breaks her arm
Rachel starts cooking
Tata Ndu shows interest in Rachel
This is the first time Rachel is self-conscious, and she tries to act weird so he won't like her. -
Rachel gets engaged to Axelroot
Ruth May teaches the children "mother may I"
Leah learns to shoot a bow
Adah almost gets eaten by a lion
Lumumba gets elected
Leah stops listening to Nathan
Nelson gives Ruth May the necklace
the Prices' money supply is cut off and they are told to leave
Leah starts teaching school
Brother Fowles comes to visit
Adah eavesdrops on Axelroot
Congolese Independence
Rachel breaks her mirror
the night of the ants
Leah tells Anatole she loves him
Ruth May and Orleanna get sick
Patrice Lumumba dies