Edgar allan poe 2 cropped

Poe's Jobs and Adult Life

By kingceb
  • Poe's Step-Father's Death

    His father dies. He leaves no mention of Edgar in his will.
  • Poe's first Writing Job

    Worked as a edititor for The Southern Literary Messenger. Incrased production circulation from 500-3,500 copies. Poe worked here for a year and then left due to a poor sallary.
  • Poe Maried His Cousin, Virginia Clemm

    He maried his 13 year old cousin, Virginia Clemm. Strange isn't it?
  • Poe's Still is Struggling with his economic situation.

    Poe's still has yet to make a good salary. He tends to struggle a lot with his money.
  • Poe Moves to Philidelphia

    This is also where and when he wrote Ligea.
  • Poe Teams Up With George R. Grahams.

    Poe becomes an editor for George's Magazine. He increases the circulation count from 5,000 copies to 3,500 copies. During this time he also wrote The Murders in the Rue Morgue. Two years later Poe leaves to create his own magazine, which fails.
  • Poe Wins Some Money

    Poe writes The Gold Bug for a competition and wins $100.