Captured and saved
In 1607, english settler John Smith came to america. He was cpatured by pocahontas's tribe. He was going to be killed, if he wa not saved by 11 year old Pocahontas. -
John Smith and Pocahontas become friends. Pocahontas also became friends to many of the settlers John came with. She helped them learn how to survive in America. -
Pocahontas made lots of vistits to Jamestown. She visited to trade furs, food and she also delivered messages. Soon the relationship beteen the settlers and the Pamunkeys went down hill and Pocahontas was nolonger allowed to visit Jamestown. -
Pocahontas and her new husband Kocoum decide to move. They move to the Potomac area. This is a region near the Potomac river, the settle near the banks of the river. -
Held Captive
Samuel Argll wanted Pocahontas to come to his ship, which was on the Potomac. She went and was held captive by him and his crew.
Her father paid the crew to take care of her and keepm her safe. She was movecd to the Henrico settlement. -
Burning Down The Town
Somthing went very wrong when the englishmen got the rest of the randsom money. They decided to burn the village and kill lots of the natives there. This was very upsetting to Pocahontas. -
While being captured members of the crew tryed to convert Pocahontas to Christianity. During this she fell in love with a man on board named John Rolfe. She was then baptised and married John. -
Demanding Randsom
Pocahontas found John Rolfe who she would later marry. But before they got married,she was taken with armed soilders to her old village and wanted the rest of the money her father owed them to keep her safe. -
John and Pocahontas got married. This made peace between the English settlers and Powhatan tribe. However the peace between the two only lasted 6 years. -
Going to England
Pocahontas, John and Thomas (her baby son), went to england. Pocahontas was recongnized as a visiting princess. She saw and met many people while there including, Queen Anne and King James. -
Pocahontas Dies
On her way back to America Pocahontas diedof a desise she got in England.