Chapter 1 The Prison Door
The story begins by introducing the crowd of people surrounding the prison door where Hester is to come out from. A rosebush is mentioned to show it is the last beautiful thing the prisoner sees before going into the prison. This rosebush symbolizes good that is to come or relief of a dark time. -
Chapter 2 The Market Place
Hester Prynne first appears on the scaffold with baby Pearl, who is only three months old. She is described at being "a figure of perfect elegance." She began to reminiscence about her past when she was standing on the scaffold. -
Chapter 3 The Recognition
That same day Roger Chillingworth first appears in the crowd of people surrounding the scaffold. He makes eye contact with Hester, who he then tells to be quiet and not pay attention to him. Hester's punishment is told to be three hours on the pillory and to wear the scarlet letter on her chest for the rest of her life. Dimmesdale had tried to get Hester to confess he name of the father for "thy soul's peace" but she wouldn't budge. He praised her strength. -
Chapter 4 The Interview
Chillingworth is allowed into the prison later that day by a guard to provide care for Hester and Pearl. Chillingworth tended to the baby as Hester questioned his intentions. He mentioned his only purpose now is to live and die unknown until the father of the baby is revealed. Chillingworth hints that evil will come to the father even if he doesn't come forth by his own will. At the end of their conversation, Hester and Chillingworth promise to pretend not to know one another. -
Chapter 5 Hester At Her Needle
At this time, Hester was released from the prison. When exposed to sunlight, she believed it was just to bring out the scarlet letter on her chest. Hester chooses to stay in Boston. She works as a seamstress and becomes popular for her work, although personally she is still an outcast. The scarlet letter allows her to sense sins that others have. -
Chapter 6 Pearl
Pearl is now around three years old.She is named Pearl because she is "of great price." Although Pearl wears beautiful dresses made by her mother, her personality is quite the opposite. Pearl doesn't like to interact with other children. Instead of making friends, Pearl throws stones and tells them rude things for them to leave her alone. Pearl finds herself to be attached to her mother. She is curious about the meaning of the scarlet letter and denies that she has a Heavenly Father. -
Chapter 7 The Governor's Hall
Rumors have been going around that make Hester fearful that they will take Pearl away from her. Hester brings Pearl along to the governor's mansion, where she intends to plead to keep her. Hester had dressed Pearl up so she looked presentable to the governor. On their way there, Pearl defended her mother and scared the children away who were insulting her. Hester and Pearl were allowed to see the governor and awaited for him to come. -
Chapter 8 The Elf-Child and the Minister
Dimmesdale, Governor Bellingham, Mr. Wilson and Chillingworth appeared in front of Hester and Pearl. Hester tells the governor she can teach Pearl what not to do from the sin she made. Pearl was asked who made her and she knew the answer. But instead, she replied that she was plucked off a bush of wild roses. Hester began to protest that God gave her Pearl and she will defend her to death. She pleads for Dimmesdale to convince them. With his persuasive speech, the men allow Hester to keep her. -
Chapter 9 The Leech
Chillingworth is now living in the same house as Dimmesdale as a result of them becoming close friends. Chillingworth takes care of Dimmesdale as he is ill with a heart condition. But rumors come up that he may take part in black magic. Since his tools for work come from the forest, they believe that the Black Man lives there. The townspeople associate Chillingworth to be the Black Man or work with him. It is believed that Dimmesdale is actually struggling due to Chillingworth's care. -
Chapter 10 The Leech and His Patient
During Chillingworth's study, Hester and Pearl appear. Chillingworth and Dimmesdale talk about Pearl's behavior being strange for a child of her age. Chillingworth moves on to tell Dimmesdale that he will never be fully cured if he keeps hiding things. Dimmesdale leaves due to him feeling uncomfortable and Chillingworth feels successful that he may have something. -
Chapter 11 The Interior of a Heart
Later, Chillingworth begins to make comments that scare Dimmesdale as he now knows his secret. Dimmesdale's sermons become more powerful and as a result the townspeople see him as more holy. It is ironic because he has committed a sin that everyone is shaming Hester for. Since he can't put his words together to confess he is Pearl's father, he feels the need to relieve his guilt through self punishment. -
Chapter 12 The Minister's Vigil
Dimmesdale leaves to go to the scaffold. It has been 7 years since Hester first stood there with Pearl. Pearl and Hester are seen, so he invites them to join him. They stand upon the scaffold holding hands. Dimmesdale is filled with terror as he sees Pearl pointing down at Chillingworth, who is staring at them from down below. Hester doesn't reveal his true identity when asked. Dimmesdale is startled when the sexton returns his gloves and explains it as a way of the devil plotting against him. -
Chapter 13 Another View of Hester
Hester is no longer as much of an outcast as she was before. Four years have passed and Pearl is 7 years old now. Hester now serves a greater role in the town by helping those in need. Hester puts others' needs before herself as seen in the way she dresses. The townspeople see the scarlet letter on her chest as "able." But even so, Hester has lost her beauty. She still hasn't made friends and no love is really shown to her. -
Chapter 14 Hester and the Physician
Hester set out to talk to Chillingworth. She had found in when she was walking with Pearl, who she sent off to go play. Chillingworth appears to be a completely changed person, almost unrecognizable in a negative way to Hester. Chillingworth has allowed the promise to change him in to an evil person. Hester believes she made got him into this mess. He tells Hester that she is free to reveal his identity as he has greater plans to reveal Dimmesdale's secret. -
Chapter 15 Hester and Pearl
Hester is left alone now with Pearl. Pearl returns to her mother and shows her what she made. Pearl made a scarf out of seaweed and a scarlet letter of her own. Hester thinks she does not truly understand the meaning of the letter. Hester is tempted to tell her but decides not to. Instead she tells Pearl a different reason for the scarlet letter but she is not pleased and continues to pester Hester. Hester tells Pearl to stop, as this is something she should not ask about. -
Chapter 16 A Forest Walk
A few days after, Hester tries to find Dimmesdale on his way back from one of his trips. Hester goes with Pearl into the forest to meet up with him. While they are in the woods waiting for him, Pearl asks Hester about the Black Man. Hester tells her she met the Black Man once and that's the reason she has the scarlet letter on her chest. Hester tells Pearl to go off and play as she hears Dimmesdale. Once again, he has his hand over his heart. -
Chapter 17 The Pastor and His Parishioner
Dimmesdale is confused when he hears Hester's voice. At first, he believes he is hearing a ghost of her. Hester and Dimmesdale talk about their past and Dimmesdale speaks about how he is miserable. He feels worse because the people see him as someone holy; he feels like a hypocrite. Hester feels her promise to Chillingworth has caused Dimmesdale to feel this way. Upon revealing the secret, Dimmesdale is angry and Hester begs for his forgiveness. They make a plan to leave the town to be free. -
Chapter 18 A Flood of Sunshine
Continuing their conversation, Hester agrees with Dimmesdale that he needs to confess. Hester takes off her cap and shows her beautiful hair. Hester also takes of the scarlet letter from her dress. Hester then brings Pearl so she can interact with Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale is worried if Pearl with accept him but Hester is certain she will love him. -
Chapter 19 The Child at the Brookside
Dimmesdale admits he was fearful that the public would recognize his features in her face. In the past, Pearl was loving to Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale isn't sure that she will still be as kind to him now. Pearl is hesitant to move closer to her parents. Pearl throws a fit when she sees the scarlet letter on the ground. She tells Hester to pick it up. Hester returns to her old self and now Pearl willingly comes to them. Dimmesdale gives a kiss to Pearl on her forehead. -
Chapter 20 The Minister in a Maze
After Pearl's and Dimmesdale's interaction, he leaves the forest before them. When he looks back, Pearl is celebrating that he is gone. Dimmesdale plans to leave with them to Europe and end his career in Boston. Dimmesdale appears to have gained a new energy within himself. He engages in conversation with Mistress Hibbins who tells him something that agitates him. Chillingworth offers medicine but Dimmesdale tells him he doesn't need it. Afterwards, Dimmesdale goes to his study.