Plessy vs. Ferguson

  • The 14th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment
    he 14th amendment clearly stated that there was clear ciztenship to all former slaves but still there was segragation and
  • Jim Crow

    Jim Crow
    Jim Crow was a made up charcter that was made up by a man named Daddy Rice and he would cover his face in charcole and prentend that he was a black person and of course this was for a white person's entertainment.
  • Seperate But Equal

    Seperate But Equal
    In Louisiana there was a law that said it was fair to be seperate but as we know Homer Plessy did not believe that that was correct so he decieded to stand up for a law that seperating blacks and whites it not equal at all.
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    Plessy vs Ferguson

  • Homer Plessy

    Homer Plessy
    It all started when Homer Plessy decided to go a bus and saw that there were seperate parts of the train blacks have to sit in the backand he did not enjoy that and the only reason why he got to sit in the front with the whites was because he looked whited even though he was 1/8 black. And that is when he relized he needed to make a statment about this so he went to supreme court and lost by a vote of 7-1
  • Period: to

    plessy vs ferguson

  • Period: to

    Plessy vs. Ferguson

  • Court case

    Court case
    Homer plessy of course wnated his idea to go to court but sadly he lost a vote of 7-1.
  • Train cars

    Train cars
    There were two differnt parts of the train and of course Homer Plessy got to sit with the whites because he looked white to most people.
  • Birth Certifacate

    Birth Certifacate
    Thios is one of the things that you had to have because even if you were 1/8 black you still couldn't sit in the front with the white people. And sometimes they would burn your birth certifacate just because they knew you tried to have proof. And a lot of time if you looked weird they would tell you that you couldn't ride in the front of the bus or you can't do this or you can't do that.
  • Train car tickets

    Train car tickets
    these are some of the types of tickets you had to get in order to go on the train.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    And since Plessy vs Ferguson loss and Brown vs Education came next then the Supreme court decided that it was wrong to be segeragated in schools, bus, trains and anything else that had been segragted then.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks also had to to with the segragation of the traspertation of bus and started the Montgomery Bus Boycott and had a lot of people stop riding the buses to prove that this was not fair to have people have to sit in different parts of the bus just because of their color.