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Timeline of Education

  • Period: to

    Plessy vs. Ferguson

    The Plessy vs. Ferguson case legalized segregation in 1896. This creation led to schools today from segregation so children of all race can earn an education together. In addition, all become equal as one and can attend school together.
  • Free Public Schools

    Free Public Schools
    In the year 1918, all states had laws that required mandatory school attendance for children through elementary school. All children were required to attend elementary school at least. This is utilized for children now days to have education, instead of daycare or sitting at home.
  • The Birds and the Bees

    The Birds and the Bees
    In 1920, the birds and the bees were meant to teach sex education in school. The course was called moral education. This creation was utilized for our children today to prevent AIDS and teen pregnancy. In hopes that our children utilizes this course to prevent AIDS and teenage pregnancy.
  • School Lunch For All

    School Lunch For All
    In 1946, the National School Act assured that school lunches were available for children that lived in a low income household. This was to assure the children will have free lunch or reduce lunches. This creation is still being utilized due to them living in an low income house. They can eat lunch for low cost or for free. In addition, they can have a full meal twice a day while in school so they can learn.
  • Banning Prayer

    Banning Prayer
    In 1962, The supreme court ruled the Eagles vs. Vitale bands prayer in public schools. Many children come with different religion beliefs. Therefore, the schools have to respect that in an cultural view, and set limits on different schools that are allowed to pray.
  • Federal Funding

    Federal Funding
    In 1965, the elementary and secondary education act issued out federal funding for schools to have national curriculum. This is utilized today so that teachers are able to receive payment for providing education. Also, so individuals may have funding to attend school that does not have the money
  • Test Results Reported to the Government

    Test Results Reported to the Government
    In 1970, The Standardized testing was made to measure the school performance on how well the children test out. Today we utilizes this so that the government we are receiving funds from, understands the teaching strategies to be able to teach our children. Therefore, once the children graduate from a grade, they will understand the concept level.
  • Title IX becomes Law

    Title IX becomes Law
    In 1972, this law prohibits discrimination based on the sex. This is meant for any children or college student to obtain an education despite of their sex.
  • Lau vs. Nicholes

    Lau vs. Nicholes
    In 1974, the supreme court ruled that students with less English skills should receive an equal education.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    In 2001, president Bush signed ruled that more funding is available for children that parents does not have the means to give towards their education. Students in today's society can attend school by having the cloths and curriculum paid for to receive an education.
  • Getting Connected

    Getting Connected
    In 2003, all American schools started having access to the internet. This is according to the national center of education. This is helpful because some children aren't able to attend public schools. Therefore, they have home school where the computers are put to usage for students to obtain an education.
  • Race To The Top

    Race To The Top
    In 2010, President Barack Obama "Race to the top" program allows eligible students to receive federal grants while the recession was going on. This program helped out a lot due to individuals not being able to pay for college education.