Homer Plessy
Homer plessy was born in New, Orleans -
Supreme court
The fedral Supreme Court upheald the previous decision -
First class ticket
The first class ticket Homer plessy bought. -
East Lousiana railroad CO.
This is the train that Homer plessy bought a tickrt to ride on. -
Homer plessy gets aressted for being 1/8 black
A white on the train had noticed that Homer plessy looked a little suspiceous. -
Homer plessy had got aressted
Homer plessy had got aressted for riding in the whites car and he was 1/8 black -
Plessy argued that it violated his 13th and 14th amendent
Plessy had argued that being aressted for sitting in the whites violated his 13th and 14th amendent. -
Homer plessy argued that being aressted violated his 14thh amendment
Plessy lost again in the state supreme court
After homer plessy lost in the local court he took ferguson to the court again and he lost. -
Plessy took Ferguson back to Supreme court
After losing again Plessy took Ferguson to court again and lost again. -
More segration
That decision lead to more segration all over the U.S for example the K.K.K