Langston Hughes

By Lydia_L
  • Birth

    full name is James Mercer Langston Hughes
    born in Joplin, Missouri
    His parents were James Nathaniel Hughes and Caroline Mercer Langston
  • Moves to be with his mother

    Hughes moves to Lincoln, Illinois, to live with his now-remarried mother and stepfather.
  • Family moves to Cleveland

    His family settles in Cleveland, Ohio. Langston graduates from his primary school, where he is elected class poet
  • graduated High School

    Hughes graduated from high school in Cleveland, Ohio Read more:
  • Hughes wrote about his experiences

    African American artistic movement in the 1920s that celebrated black life and culture. Hughes's creative genius was influenced by his life in New York City's Harlem, a primarily African American neighborhood.
  • Columbia University (education)

  • Gets a job on S.S. Malone

    For six months, hughs travels by freighter to West Africa and Europe. Where he briefly works as a cook in Paris.
  • Published his first book

    The Weary Blues
  • Witter Bynner Undergraduate Poetry prize

    Witter Bynner Undergraduate Poetry Prize
  • 2nd book

    Fine Clothes to the Jew
    transformed the bitterness which such themes generated in many African Americans of the day into sharp irony and humor. His casual, folk-like style was strengthened in his second book Read more:
  • Graduates from Lincoln University (Education)

    from 1926-1929
    Receives a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, which he attended on scholarship.
  • Awarded a fellowship

    awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, which allowed him to travel to Spain and Russia.
  • Recieved an honorary doctorate

    Hughs alma mater awards him an honorary doctorate of letters.
  • Jim Crow's Last Stand, play

    Jim Crow's Last Stand, Atlanta: Negro Publication Society of America.
  • Begins teaching career

    Field of Wonder is published.
    Hughes accepts a one-year appointment as a visiting professor of creative writing at Atlanta University.
  • Recieves NAACP award

    The NAACP awardS Langston Hughes the Spingarn Medal for distinguished achievements by an African American
  • Induction

    Inducted into the National Institute of Arts and Letters and publishes Ask Your Mama: Twelve Moods for Jazz, a collection of poetry
  • Death

    Langston Hughes died from complications of prostate cancer. at Stuyvesant Polyclinic in New York, New York
  • Chicago Literary Hall of Fame.

    inducted into the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame.