Technology Advances 2000-2010

  • BlackBerry Smartphone

    BlackBerry Smartphone
    Invented by Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin of BlackBerry Limited. The BlackBerry was instrumental to the modern development of smartphones. It was the first of its kind and a very important step in the phone industry.
  • iPod

    Invented by Tony Fadell and Steve Jobs of Apple. This device was groundbreaking. It gave people an entirely new way to listen to music. Without it, we wouldn't have the iPad or iPhone.
  • Wii

    Invented by Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo. The Wii was the first physically interactive gaming console of its kind. Enabling people to play games without the conventional controllers was a major step in the gaming industry.
  • iPhone

    Invented by Steve Jobs and numerous others at Apple. This was the first Apple smartphone, different than any other one on the market. This was an amazing invention that lead the way for the highly advanced iPhones many of us use today.
  • Kindle

    Invented by Jason Merkoski, Jeff Bezos and numerous others of Amazon. This was an incredible invention that gave people a new way to store and read books on the go. No more waiting to go buy books in the store and only being able to take 1 or 2 with you on a plane, you now have thousands at your fingertips to read whenever you want.