Plate Tectonics

By adiaz14
  • James Hutton

    James Hutton
    Hypothesis:James Hutton used Steno’s Law of Superposition. It compares rock layers to rocks above and below the rock.
    Evidence:His evidence was that he found granite penetrating metaphoric schists, in a way which indicated that the granite had been molten at the time.
    Agree or Disagree: Agree because he had lots of evidence to prove his theory.
  • Abraham Oretlius

    Abraham Oretlius
    Hypothesis: He put forward the Continental Drift.Wegener believed that all the continents had started out as one single land mass called Pangaea before they split and the continents began their never ending journey of drifting apart.
    Evidence:But, he could not explain how the continents were moved causing many scientist to not support his theory.
    Agree or Disagree:Disagree because many scientists did not support his theory since he couldn't prove how the continents were moving.
  • Alfred Wegener

    Alfred Wegener
    Hypothesis: Wegener believed that all the continents had started out as one single land mass called Pangaea before they split and the continents began their never ending journey of drifting apart.
    Evidence:Browsing the university library he came across a scientific paper that listed fossils of identical plants and animals found on opposite sides of the Atlantic.
    Agree or Disagree with theory: Disagree because he could not support his theory since he didn't have that much evidence.
  • Arthur Holmes

    Arthur Holmes
    Hypothesis: He proposed the idea that the continents are carried by the flow of the mantle on which they sit and the mantle flows because it is convecting.
    Evidence: No evidence was produced until the 1960s to support Holmes's concept.
    Agree or Disagree with theory: Agree because his research helped us and understand our planet better and the growth of plate techtonics.
  • Harry Hess

    Harry Hess
    Hypothesis: He hypothesized the sea floor was spreading from these ridges and started the theory of sea floor spreading.
    Evidence: Hess found the missing piece to Wegener's theory of continental drift. This explained how the continents were able to drift apart, proving the theory of continental drift.
    Agree or Disagree with theory: Agree because after he found the missing piece now the theory was being proved.
  • Frederick J. Vine

    Frederick J. Vine
    Hypothesis: Matthews and Vine discovered that the crust surrouding midocean ridges had alternating bands and each was magnatized with the opposite polarity of the surrounding bands.
    Evidence:Vine and Matthews thought that each band had the direction of Earth's magnetic field at the tine that piece of ocean floor was created locked into it.
    Agree or disagree with theory: Agree because this evidence that supported the theory of sea floor spreading and helped people come to accept that theory.
  • Drummond Hoyle Mattews

    Drummond Hoyle Mattews
    Hypothesis:Matthews and Vine discovered that the crust surrouding midocean ridges had alternating bands and each was magnatized with the opposite polarity of the surrounding bands.
    Evidence:Matthews and Vine thought that each band had the direction of Earth's magnetic field at the tine that piece of ocean floor was created locked into it.
    Agree or disagree with theory: Agree because evidence that supported the theory of sea floor spreading and helped people come to accept that theory.