The comtenporary age

  • 1789

    The Contemporary age started with the French Rovolution and still continues today.
  • 1807

  • 1808

    The 2nd may 1808 the botín of Aranjuez
  • 1808

  • 1810

    Se reúnen las Cortes en Cádiz
  • 1812

    España y Francia firman el Tratado de Fontainebleau.
  • Period: to


    The reign of Fernando VII began after the War of Independece. All rights and liberties of civilians were suspended. Fernando VII ablished the Constitution of Cadiz, and established anabsolute morarchy
  • 1816

    During the war, the first Spanish Constitution was written in Cádiz. It proposed the rights of the citizens, including the right to vote.
  • 1816

    Se independiza la primera colonia americana, Argentina
  • 1833

    When Fernando Vll died, Isabel ll came to the throne. During her reign, the constitutional monarchy was consolidated.
  • Period: to


    During these years there was confrontation between the liberals (in
  • 1869

    Accede al trono un monarca extranjero, Amadeo de Saboya.
  • 1873

    The First Republic was formed. In a republic the head of state is elected by the citizens.
  • 1874

    The monarchy returned with Alfonso XII. A new Constitution was written.
  • 1898

    España pierde Cuba y Filipinas las últimas colonias.
  • Period: to

    Spain from 1900 to 1975

  • 1902

    Alfonso XIII accede al trono de España.
  • 1923

    El general Primo de Rivera da un golpe de estado y comienza una dictadura
  • 1930

    El general Primo de Rivera dimite.
  • 1931

    Alfonso XIII left the country and the Second Republic was formed.
  • 1936

    The Civil War. When soldiers rebelled against the Republic.
  • 1939

    Ended the Civil War. and a military dictatorship, led by General Francisco Franco, was formed.
  • 1975

    Franco died.During the dictatorship there was no democracy, there were no political parties and no freedom of expression.
  • 1975

    Juan Carlos I was named the King of Spain. There were many reforms: political parties were legalised and Spain became a democracy.
  • Period: to

    Spain from 1975 to today

  • 1977

    The first democratic elections were celebrated. This change from dictatorship to democracy is called the Transition.
  • 1978

    The present constitution was approved. It guarantees our rights and liberties and recognises democracy as our system of government.
  • 1979

    La UCD, con Adolfo Suárez al frente, gana las elecciones generales.
  • 1981

    Adolfo Suárez dimite y Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo ocupa su puesto como presidente del gobierno. Un grupo de militares protagoniza un intento de golpe de estado
  • 1982

    El PSOE, con Felipe González el frente, gana las elecciones generales.
  • 1986

    Spain entered the European Economic Community which is now called the European Union.
  • 1995

    Se aprueban los últimos Estatutos de Autonomía.
  • 28 de octubre de 1996

    El PP, con José Aznar al frente, gana las elecciones generales. Así ganó las otras de 2000, 2011 y 2015.
  • 12 de marzo de 2000

    El PP, con José Aznar al frente, gana las elecciones generales.
  • 2002

    Spain and many other countries of the European Union adopted the Euro as their common currency. They are known as the Euro Area.
  • 11 de marzo de 2004

    Fue un atentado de un grupo islamistaen Madrid que mato a más de 200 personas en el trambia
  • 9 de marzo de 2008

    El PSOE, con José Rodríguez Zapatero al frente, gana las elecciones generales.
  • 2011

  • 20 de noviembre de 2011

    El PSOE, con José Rodríguez Zapatero al frente, gana las elecciones generales.
  • 2014

  • 2 de junio de 2014

    El rey Carlos I abdica a su hijo Felipe VI
  • 2015

  • 14 de marzo de 2004

    El PSOE, con José Rodríguez Zapatero al frente, gana las elecciones generales.
  • 7 de junio de 2015

    A las 11:07 he terminado este trabajo