Planning Time Managment

  • deciding

    Gather all thoughts and ideas and split the work between my self and Greg allocating the best person for the task.
  • Period: to

    Planning Time Management

  • Questionnaire

    Create a questionnaire to gather some research and audience feed back to help explore the themes within my music viedo
  • Gathering Ideas

    Gathering Ideas
    gather loads of ideas, some for the music viedo and some for the cosutmes, have some ideas and sketchs to show at pitch to the focus group
  • Focus Group

    Focus Group
    Show the focus group the pitch and share ideas that we have for the music viedo and get feedback and improvements
  • Audience profile

    Audience profile
    after gathering feedback and a respone from the audience you can now create a detailed audience profile for youre music viedo
  • costumes and Props

    make final desicions about costumes and props create a table and have a meeting with the cast to comfirm everything
  • dance

    Begin to create a dance that will be in the music viedo take a few viedos of the dance moves and some drawings
  • Review

    Review everything with myself and gregs work go over anything that needs more detail, get feedback from the teacher and idenitfy what hasnt been done and what left to do
  • StoryBoard

    create a detailed story board of what the music viedo will consits of
  • deadline

    by now everyting should be done just check everything is finished and nothing hasnt been forgotten and not uploaded to the blog