Planets Behind the Black Hole

  • 6000 BCE

    BLZ Creates the Planets

    In 2008, there was a girl named Briana or, as we call her in the planets, B.L.Z.…”
    “Anyway, BLZ got or built a time machine and went back in time to the creation of E-arth or a little before, then she made the planets…”
    BLZ did not only create the planets, but the black hole we live behind…” Edit: The original timeline was created with the young earth model in mind, because of this, I'm changing the creation of the planets to around 10,000 BC.
  • 5000 BCE

    BLZ Creates Wection

    I was made as an advisor and helper to other planets.
  • 4000 BCE

    The First Child of Wection is Created

    I was given one helper named Pleah. She was the first child of Wection. She had a special ability called Shamowas. The Sham Wows… They were based on her emotions. She could heal wounds and protect herself and others from harm. Everyone respected her,
  • 3880 BCE

    Pleah becomes Proud

    Everyone respected her, but they began to act as if she wasn’t human.
    “People treated her like a god, and instead of setting them straight in their thinking, she liked the praise and became proud. Her emotions change, and she no longer used her ability to do things for others.
  • 3875 BCE

    Pleah Creates Spells

    One day, she used a completely different emotion than ever intended to be used with Shamowas. She used jealousy and hate. This was the first spell.
  • 3874 BCE

    Pleah is Banned

    This caused her to have to be outcast from me and banned from The Planets.
  • 2243 BCE

    Pleah Creates Omaso immi Spirits

    Frustrated, she created Omaso immi Spirits, the home of the Spirits. There were still some who worshipped her and went with her.
  • 2231 BCE

    David of Stiven is Born

    David is the Eldest Wection and the Eldest Male.
    When Pass and Story were 5 we got a boy name David. He was thirteen. Edit:
  • 2185 BCE

    David Drinks the Love Potion

    he grows up, he falls in love with a woman. They are married and have a wonderful relationship, but someone that they grew up with was in love with David too (Age 50ish). They are so jealous that they create a love potion and trick him into drinking it. David comes under their control
  • 2165 BCE

    Rida of Dismour is Born

    we got a boy name David. He was thirteen. That same year we got Rida who was the same age as David.
  • 2162 BCE

    David's Lips are Cursed

    David comes under their control, but his love is so strong for the other woman, he is not fully controlled and continues to see her. Angered by this, the other woman sacrifices herself and become a Spirit and then secretly curses David so his lips are poisonous. David visits his true love and she dies from his poisonous lips
  • 2092 BCE

    David Curses The Spirit that Cursed Him

    David is kept captive for 50 more years and although the love potion dictates that he love her, he still feels hate for her because of what she did. He eventually learns the secret that men can use Shamowas and Spells too and after many years of study learns how to cast a Sleeping Curse and casts it on her
  • 2091 BCE

    David Starts Building an Army

    After he is free from her control, he starts to free other slaves and put other Spirits to sleep. Eventually, on his home planet of Kliray, he creates a small army that fight back against the Spirits and starts driving them from the Planet.
  • 2088 BCE

    Ceemol and Deemol of Notma are Born

    “Ceemol and Deemol are brother and sister from Notma. C is the boy and D is the girl. They where eleven when we got them,”
  • 2003 BCE

    The Crilm Dynasty Starts Purging Spirits from Liseense

    At the same time, the first of the Crilm Dynasty Has also begun their campaign to drive the Spirits from their world as well, neither have heard of what the other is doing and believe that they are the only forces against the Spirits.
  • 2002 BCE

    David Purges Stiven of Spirits

    After a 100 year war he has managed to drive the Spirits from his home planet and has sealed all entrances to Omaso immi Spirits.
  • 2001 BCE

    David begins Campaign to Save other Planets from the Spirits

    Now he is using his planet as a base to pursue and drive the Spirits from other planets as well.
  • 1993 BCE

    Hilimibidikix of (???) is Born

    “He is a part of the family,” Rida scolded. “Hilimibidikix came in to the family when Pass was ten, and he was eleven.”
  • 1989 BCE

    Edith of Gamon is Born

    “Then, we were sent Edith when I was seven. He was eight at the time…”
  • 1972 BCE

    Wection Requests Helper from Each Planet

    “When she left, the planets went into chaos. I told each planet to select a child to be my helper.
    Wection takes notice of the chaos and reaches out for helpers, but the majority of Planets are engaged in a war against the Spirits so cannot answer her call.
  • 1971 BCE

    August of Kliray is Born

    “Tell that to August.” He replied. “She could speak English, Teelobeish, a couple planet dialects, and a couple E-arthling dialects by the time she was two. Finished what would be considered 12 years of education when she was three and when on to different kinds of education for the next couple years. After that she became a Wection and helped Rida C, D, and me with our education.
  • 1969 BCE

    Edith Begins Spirit Purge from Gamon

    As they grow up Hilimibidikix, and Edith are influenced by David and start leading their own smaller revolutions against the Spirits.
  • 1968 BCE

    Hilimibidikix Starts Spirit Purge from (Planet Name)

    As they grow up Hilimibidikix, and Edith are influenced by David and start leading their own smaller revolutions against the Spirits.
  • 1959 BCE

    August Graduates College

  • 1943 BCE

    Hilimibidikic and Edith Meet

    In the progress of their revolutions they encounter one another and form an alliance to fight the Spirits.
  • 1851 BCE

    Pass of Wection is Born

    Years went by as each planet looked for a child, they thought worthy.
    In that time, a baby was born on me.
  • 1851 BCE

    Story of Nedved is Born

    He had been orphaned and deserted on a planet where no one lived.
  • 1850 BCE

    Pass is given to Wection

    In that time, a baby was born on me. Her name was Pass. I began to raise her,
  • 1849 BCE

    Story is Given to Wection

    I began to raise her, and then someone gave me a two-year-old boy named Story. He had been orphaned and deserted on a planet where no one lived.
    She trains him to be the Guardian of Parayter.
  • 1792 BCE

    Kycle of (???) is Born

    When Story and Pass were four, I was given a two-year-old named Kycle…”
  • 1792 BCE

    Thero of Covtra is Born

    He is from Covtra
  • 1790 BCE

    Kycle becomes a Wection

    When Story and Pass were four, I was given a two-year-old named Kycle…” David discovers a child, Kycle, and not knowing what to do with it and knowing about Wection’s call for helpers, takes the child to Wection.
  • 1790 BCE

    David becomes a Wection

    “A year later we got a boy name David. He was thirteen. Wection offers him immortality if he will fight for her and the use of her Children to assist in his battle. Both the children having been raised to be the perfect weapons to fight Spirits, David agrees.
  • 1790 BCE

    David Begins Campain on Omaso immi Spirits

    Wection then also reveals Pleah’s secret. That if she is put to sleep, it will cause all current Spirits to also fall asleep. David changes course and taking Pass and Story with him, begins a campaign on the Spirit home world of Omaso immi Spirits.
  • 1788 BCE

    The Crilms Finish Purge

    The Crilms have cleared their planet of the spirits, but unlike David have focused on building deffenses for their planet and have not pursued the Spirits. Although they intend to someday, they feel the need to protect their own first, but they send out attack parties to other planets every once in awhile to keep their soldiers trained as well as to keep the Spirits on their toes.
  • 1675 BCE

    David Defeats Pleah

    Around the age of 540, with the help of Pass, Story, Rida, Kycle, Thero and Ceemol and Deemol David defeats Pleah and puts her into a cursed sleep. All the Spirits currently under her command also are sucked into the ground into a cursed sleep. David has won.
  • 1674 BCE

    Ceemol and Deemol become Wections

    The next year we got C,D.”
    “Who is CD?” Payton asked.
    “Ceemol and Deemol are brother and sister from Notma. C is the boy and D is the girl. They where eleven when we got them,” After this victory, Wection awards Rida, Ceemol and Deemol by making them Children of Wection, and places them and her current children in charge of different planets to help watch over them better.
  • 1674 BCE

    Rida becomes a Wection

    “A year later we got a boy name David. He was thirteen. That same year we got Rida who was the same age as David. After this victory, Wection awards Rida, Ceemol and Deemol by making them Children of Wection, and places them and her current children in charge of different planets to help watch over them better.
  • 1674 BCE

    Thero of Covtra becomes a Wection

    After this victory, Wection awards Rida, Thero, Ceemol and Deemol by making them Children of Wection, and places them and her current children in charge of different planets to help watch over them better.
  • 1671 BCE

    David become Fearful of Pleah Sympathizers

    Although Pleah has been defeated it is soon discovered that Pleah, in her sleep, can still contact those in The Planets and tempt them to join her side and free her. David becomes fearful of any Pleah sympathizers who may try to raise her again and begins a campaign under Wection’s name to conquer the other planets and squelch any who may lead to Pleah’s return.
  • 1665 BCE

    David's Conquest becomes Cruel

    Due to his hatred and cruelty, he starts to be viewed as no different than Pleah.
  • 1621 BCE

    The Crilm Dynasty Stand Strong

    He swiftly conquers many other worlds but is stopped short when he attacks the Crilm world. For 100 years (Age 670s), the Crilm Dynasty stands strong and holds back against the invasion of the Wections.
  • 1616 BCE

    Hilimibidikix and Edith Fight Back

    Disillusioned by their once inspirational hero, Hilimibidikix and Edith start to fight against David as well.
  • 1611 BCE

    Hilimibidikix and Edith Meet August

    They encounter August, a highly intellectual woman that had been keeping her planet protected from both the Spirits and David’s forces for many years. They form an alliance with her in their fight against David.
  • 1610 BCE

    Wection Orders David's Retreat

    Wection, at first ignoring David’s behavior due to her own fear of Pleah being risen again, learns the extent of David’s cruelty and commands him to retreat. When he refuses and swears to come after her next, Wections sends Pass, Story and Kycle to stop him and bring him back to her so he may be rehabilitated.
  • 1604 BCE

    The Children of Wection Meet Hilimibidikix, Edith and August

    Wections sends the Children of Wection to stop him and bring him back to her so he may be rehabilitated. Pass and the others meet Hilimibidikix, Edith and August and convince them to help them save David as his heart is good but his soul is corrupted by hate
  • 1569 BCE

    David Surrenders

    After many years of fighting, David finally is shown what he has become and surrenders. He allows himself to be taken back to Wection where he is taught and trained to release his hate and how to love again.
  • 1568 BCE

    Edith becomes a Wection

    “Then, we were sent Edith when I was seven. He was eight at the time…”
    Grateful for their help and adept abilities to lead, Wection offers Hilimibidikix, Edith and August, positions as Children of Wection. Edith and August accept, but Hilimibidikix refuses, having had conflict with Pass and still holding a grudge against David.
  • 1568 BCE

    August becomes a Wection

    “Tell that to August.” He replied. “She could speak English, Teelobeish, a couple planet dialects, and a couple E-arthling dialects by the time she was two. Finished what would be considered 12 years of education when she was three and when on to different kinds of education for the next couple years. After that she became a Wection and helped Rida C, D, and me with our education. Wection offers Hilimibidikix, Edith and August, positions as Children of Wection. Edith and August accept,
  • 1568 BCE

    Hilimibidikix refuses Wection

    Grateful for their help and adept abilities to lead, Wection offers Hilimibidikix, Edith and August, positions as Children of Wection. Edith and August accept, but Hilimibidikix refuses, having had conflict with Pass and still holding a grudge against David.
  • 1565 BCE

    Rebecca of Agualene and Betty of Saylene are Born

    “Well, when I was nine, we got another set of twins. Their names are Rebecca and Betty. They were babies.
  • 1551 BCE

    Rebecca and Betty become Wections

    “Well, when I was nine, we got another set of twins. Their names are Rebecca and Betty. They were babies. Wection is now having to work at making peace with the planets
    The first planet she deals with is the planet under the rule of the parents of two teenage twins named Rebecca and Betty.
    Wection makes a deal with them and allows Rebecca and Betty to become Children of Wection.
    This way both planets will be under the supervision of the descendants
  • 1545 BCE

    David is Rehabilitated

    David has been rehabilitated and starts trying to make amends. He starts helping the planets that he attacked and helps in creating a peace between the Wections and the Crilms.
  • 1536 BCE

    The Wections and the Crilms Make Peace

    The Crilms refuse help from the Wections and refuse to be a part of the Wection family. This is understandable to David and Wection
    the Crilm also demand that the Wections no longer take control of any additional planets. After many heated debates, The Wections come to an agreement that if the Wections are to take claim to any other remaining planets, they will have to get permission from the Crilm Dynasty and the Crilm Dynasty must be present at all negotiations.
  • 1493 BCE

    Hilimibidikix becomes a Wection

    “He is a part of the family,” Rida scolded. “Hilimibidikix came in to the family when Pass was ten, and he was eleven.”
    Being close to the end of his life, and fearful of what may happen should he pass away
    he finally agrees to become a Child of Wection and is given eternal life as well as his youth is returned
    He still does not trust the other Wections, specifically Pass, David and Wection herself,
  • 1490 BCE

    The Crilm Feel Betrayed

    The Crilm are offended and feel the treaty has been broken as they have taken another planet without consulting the Crilm. Once again negotiations begin.
  • 1487 BCE

    The Oracle Appears

    It is during this period that an oracle appears. Claiming that Pleah will rise again and that two E-Arthlings will be the sign of this to happen. Focused on negotiations with the Crilms, and do to there still being problems with Pleah sympathizers, this warning is ignored as it is believed to be ravings of pious zealots of Pleah. The only one to head these warnings are Pass, who befriends the oracle and sees the oracles abilities and accuracy. Eventually the oracle vanishes without a trace.
  • 1480 BCE

    Wections and the Crilms Make Peace... Again

    Eventually the Wections and the Crilms come to an agreement, that because these terms were not explicitly in the terms, Hilimibidikix’s planet now will belong to the Wections under Hilimibidikix’s rule, but from this point forward, no planet can be taken by a Wection’s rule under any circumstance, even if the planet requests to be taken under the Wections, unless the Crilms are consulted first.
  • 987 BCE

    Wection Ruled Planets Have Stability

    Five hundred years go by. Progress has been made and the planets under Wections rule are now stable and, while still unsteady, peace is holding between the Wections and the Crilm Dynasty.
  • 976 BCE

    Glaberlop and Parayter express interest in Wection Rule

    they begin to see the progress that has been made some begin to consider creating alliances with Wection. These include, the Planet of Light and the Planet of Plants (Spike’s Planet). The Wections contact the Crilm and negotiations begin.
  • 785 BCE

    Negotiations for Parayter last for 200 years

    The Crilm put up a big fight against the idea of the Wections being in charge of the Planet of Light as this is the light source for all the planets. Story has already been considered the guardian of the Planet of Light and has was accepted by its people as such a long time ago, but it was never officialized that they were a planet of Wection.
  • 783 BCE

    Negotiations for Glaberlop Begin

    Two hundred years passed and because of how complicated the situation was, it was decided to wait on the Planet of Light and focus first on the Planet of Plants.
  • 781 BCE

    Pleah is Freed

    As negotiations begin something unprecedented occurs. The two E-Arthlings that the oracle warned The Planets about had come to The Planets and awaken Pleah.
  • 312 BCE

    The Oracle Returns

    It is during this period that another oracle starts prophesying that heroes from E-arth will come and will battle the forces of Pleah. Although they will not be the ones to defeat her, they will guide one, Pleah’s own heir to rise and defeat her. She and her heir shall battle three times, and three time she shall fall. On the third fall, she shall not rise again. The prophesies were taken to heart by Pass who believes these prophesies are made by her old friend
  • 303 BCE

    Glaberlop Negotiations Begins Again

    Planets not under Wection’s protection are become ravaged and turned into cesspools of evil.
    The Plant Planet begs for assistance. The Wections once again turn to the Crilms for permission. Once again negotiation begin.
  • 285 BCE

    Spike of Glaberlop is Born

    The last is Spike. He was two when I was thirteen.” Pass concluded.
    Spike is born and brought to Wection to be raised and become the ruler of his planet.
  • 284 BCE

    Glaberlop is Made Under Wection Rule

    The Crilm’s realizing that they are not in a position to offer any protection to any other worlds, agrees to let the Plant Planet be take under the Wections. As for the other planets not under the Wection rule, they Wections may offer assistance, and act as Guardians, but may not take them as their own, especially the Light Planet. Once the Plight of the Spirits has been dealt with, then they can continue negotiations.
    The Plant Planet is finally made a planet of the Wections.
  • 284 BCE

    Pain of Omaso immi Spirits is Born

  • 283 BCE

    Spike is given to Wection

    The last is Spike. He was two when I was thirteen.” Pass concluded.
    Spike is born and brought to Wection to be raised and become the ruler of his planet.
  • 282 BCE

    NicKole of Stiven is Born

  • 281 BCE

    Elli of Omaso immi Spirits is Born

  • 272 BCE

    NicKole Become Pass' Helpers

    David encounters two kids on his home planet. Impressed with them he offers them as candidates for new Wections.
    Wection has decreed that in order for someone older than 10 to become a Wection that have to serve for a time under Pass or Story who will teach them what it truly means to be a Wection.
    Because they are not babies, Wection agrees to make them Pass’ helpers until she approves of them being worthy to be Children of Wection.
  • 270 BCE

    Pain and Elli are Made Pass' Helpers

    A few years later, Pass discovers two children that claim to be the children of Pleah and the daughter Pain, claims that she was originally to become Pleah’s heir until her mother learned about the prophecy. Believing Pain to be the one from the Prophecy, Pass brings Pain and her brother/slave Elli back to Wection to be trained by her, so that Pain may one day defeat her mother.
  • 267 BCE

    Seven E-Arthlings come to The Planets

  • Briana (BLZ) goes back in time

    In 2008, there was a girl named Briana or, as we call her in the planets, B.L.Z.…”
    “Anyway, BLZ got or built a time machine and went back in time to the creation of E-arth or a little before,"