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14th amendment
Anyone in the U.S in a citizen,
Due Process (reconstruction era) -
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24th Amendment
No pull tax -
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Scott v Sandford
Scott was a slave who wanted to be free by going to the North, the court decided he could not be free -
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13th Amendment
Freed the Slaves -
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15th Amendment
No one can be denied to vote based off race, or color. Due Process -
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Scottsboro Boys
A group of Black boys was on a train and they were accused of raping the two. In the end, all their names were cleared, but that was long after they had died. -
Civil Act of 1964
Segregation ended as a result. Age Race, Gender, religion cannot be decided as a result. And schools that continue to segregate, will no longer be funded by the Federal Gov. -
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Voting Rights of 1965
preclearance- Certain localities would need to get prior approval from the fed. Government before making a change to voting laws. -
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Civil Act of 1968
No busness can discriminate for race, religion, or gender.