George Washington
George Washington Was teaching what the values of Forks is to the Govenor of Pittsburgh -
French kick out the Virginians, becuase the was bulidng at the forks. -
General Braddock and Battle of the Monongahela.
Virginans start battle of the Monongahela. General Braddock is killed in the battle. The Virginians take his body so it doesn't get defiled -
Mary Jemison
Mary Jemison and her family get captured. After a while the Native Americans decided to narrow out the group so thy could move faster. Mary and a little boy got out. She had to watch her family get killed and scalped. -
Mary Jemison Aptded
Mary Jemison is adopted by the Seneca after seeing her family die. She lives there for a while before getting married to Shininjee. -
General John Forbes names the area near Fort Duquesne "Pittsbourgh" after William Pitt the Elder
FForbes call the area 3 rivers after the prime misntiser -
Gen Forbes
Gen Forbes Wins for British at Dequense -
Fort pitt
Fort Pitt Is Built -
Street Plan
Pittsbugh Street plain Laid Out -
Washington And Guyasuta
Washington and Guyasuta make a treaty at Forks of the Ohio. -
Pittsburgh is incoppated as a town -
Issac Craig
Isaac Craig and Stephen Bayard are first real estate owners in “Pittsburgh”. -
Market Square
Market Square, Grant Street, Liberty Avenue and Penn Avenue are created -
Pittsburgh Post Gazztete
Pgh Post Gazzet was found by John Sull, The 1st new paper in west alleganies -
Whiskey Rebelis
Whiskey Rebellion, beucase they didnt want to pay higher price for whiskey -
Pittsburgh Borugh
Pittsburgh is incorporated as a borough -
pittsburgh is incoporated as a city -
Pittsburggh New City
The fisrt mayor of pittsburgh when Pittsburgh Became Pittsburgh Was Mayor Denny Edmbirzer -
Stephen Collins Is Born
Stephen Collin foster is welocmed to the world -
Burkes Building
John Chislett builds Burke’s Building, Pittsburgh’s first office building -
The 1st Courthouse was built by John Clissettte -
William Peter Eichbaum & James Chadwick
The delvoped "oklands Estate -
Period: to
John Relbling
He was working on the smithfelid street brigdge -
The Great Fire of Pittsbrugh Destoryed at leats Much of of the city and leaves 12,000 residents homeless. -
Jane Grey Swissman
Is thew editor of the Pittsburgh saturday visitor -
Andrew Carnegie
He is a Messanger for O'relliey Telegraph copany -
Daivd 'N' Wright
Is the founder of Pennsylvania Repulican Party -
Is 'Sanit Paul cathderal -
Mongehela Incline
1st Incline
city once had 17 inckline -
ducan incline
it was built for 47,000 dolloars
it attracted 500,000 passengers
sunday it assume 6,000 passengers -
Smithfeild Street Birgde
Seperated carryiing traffic from horses down troleys -
Henry richadrd son
Designed allegany Co. courthouse -
Period: to
United States Board on Gerograpohuc Names decde the city as Pittsburg -
U.s steel
Is a former componetlisted from -
Luna Park
Actracted crowds of up to 35,000 people nighly, -
it offens up a few years later