
Pittsburgh History

  • George Washington Lost

    George Washington Lost
    Washington was leading 2 Virginia companies into the Great Meadows but rain-filled trenches and what Washington called 'constant galding fire " made him and his troops retreat
  • William Pitt the Elder

    William Pitt the Elder
    William Pitt became prime minister and because of that he led the British in winning in Europe and the French and Idian War
  • Marquis Duquesne

    Marquis Duquesne
    Marquis Duquesne had a plan for British Colonist to build military forts from St. Lawrence to the Mississippi. He maneged to build 2 before the french destroyed the 3rd which was Fort Duquesne
  • John Forbes

    John Forbes
    Dying in 1759 ,four months after the British took back Fort Duquesne John Forbes was this British general who gave the land the name Pittsboro in honor of William Pitt
  • Period: to

    Pittsburgh's History 1758-2008

    This is the history of the Steel City of Pittsburgh
  • Fort Pitt

    Fort Pitt
    Out of the 5 forts built by the British and the French this was the largest and the last built out of all of them
  • Giovanni Morgagni First Autopsies

    Giovanni Morgagni First Autopsies
    In 1761, Giovanni Morgagni of Padua was the first man to perform autopsies that relate the patient's illness to their pathologic findings postmortem. Cancer could now can be detected, even after the event of death.
  • The Block House

    The Block House
    The oldest buildinng in Pittsburgh that's still standing to this day
  • Development of Pittsburgh

    Development of Pittsburgh
    Streets, Apartment buildings,a market ,and a courthouse were made while boatbuilders started to make Pittsburgh a city.
  • Pittsburgh Gazette

    Pittsburgh Gazette
    Created by John Schull this was the first newspaper west of the Alleghenies. this was done by bringing a printing press over the mountains.
  • Neville B Craig

    Neville B Craig
    Son of Isaac Craig and Amelia Neville Neville was the author of Pittsburgh's first published history
  • Eagle Volunteer Fire Comapany

    Eagle Volunteer Fire Comapany
    Pittsburgh's first fire brigade was organized in 1794 but by 1815 was competting with otehr companies for subscribers. IN 1859 Eagle acquired a steam engine manufactured by the Duquesne Way plant of James Rees , steamboat and egine builder
  • Grant Hill

    Grant Hill
    For over a thousand years ,This hill projected like a peninsula(a piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water.)
  • The Old Drury

    The Old Drury
    Touring theatrical companies staged plays in Pittsburgh, choosing secondary roles from the amateur acting societies. located on Fifth Avenue near Wood Street
  • Tarleton Bates and Thomas Stewart

    Tarleton Bates and Thomas Stewart
    What started as a political argument progressed to name calling and ended in a duel where editor Taleton Bates was shot and killed by merchant Thomas Stewart
  • Martin Delaney

    Martin Delaney
    A physician from Harvard Medical School, newspaper editor,, and the first African American feild officer to serve in the civil war.He also treated patients during the cholera epidemics of 1833 and 1854 in Pittsburgh, when many doctors and residents fled the city
  • Major Ebenezer Denny

    Major Ebenezer Denny
    First Mayor of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh change from a borough(a town or district that is an administrative unit,) into a city
  • Monongahelo Wharf

    Monongahelo Wharf
    This wharf( a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles; provides access to ships and boats)was used for boats coming to Piisburgh for buisness
  • Stephen Collins Foster

    Stephen Collins Foster
    On tha day Thomas and John Adams died America's first professional song writer was born that wrote 189 songs in his life that were mostly made up of melodic and sentimental ballads
  • Maj. Gen. James Scott Negley

    Maj. Gen. James Scott Negley
    This man is one of Pittsburgh's outstanding military figures. A veteran of the Mexican War and then commmandewr of the state militia. He saw action through the Shenandoah and Tennesse campagns and won a promotion for heroic service at Murfreesbro. When he finally returned to Pittsburgh after resigning he served in congress 4 times then retires to New York City where he bacame president of the Mexican Trust Company Bank
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Born on this date, this is the man who returned some of the wealth back to the community with museums and libraries whos advice for focusing on industry was to "put all your in eggs in one basket and watch the basket
  • Pioneer Fast Line

    Pioneer Fast Line
    Travelers from Philadelphia take train to cross state into cities like Harrisburg and transfer to oacket boats on the Pennsylvania Canal whiich Charles Dickens said it was a great pleasure in her notes
  • From wiring making to bridge history

    From wiring making to bridge history
    German born John Roebling devolped the first wire rope on his farm in 1841 which adapted ti be used on the canal aquedeuct across the Allegheny River and he also used the wire rope in the design of the world's first cable suspened bridge across the Monongahela River at Smithfield Street , which replaced a covered bridge that was lost in the great fire.
  • The Great Fire

    The Great Fire
    A great fire consumed about 24 blocks in the heart of the city then spread into Pipetown before burning itself out on the sid of Boyd's Hill b ut before that happpened one thrid of thge city was ingulfed in flames causing nearly 10,000 homes to be destroyed including including Western University, Bank of Pittsburgh, Monogahela House, Globe Cotton Factory and The CustomHpouse along with 12,000 people homeless and 2 found dead
  • Trying to get back what they lost

    Trying to get back what they lost
    Two days after the fire there was mourned newspapers everywhere but merchants and residentd quickly began to rebuild what painter William Coventry Wall callled a 'a doomed city" in the painting to your left .
  • Pittsburgh Saturday Visiters

    Pittsburgh Saturday Visiters
    Jane Grey Sawisshelm published this to futher her belief against man's world abolitinist and slavery for woman rights and slaves rights and through her efforts Pennsylvania passed a law allowing married women to own property
  • Welcoming the train

    Welcoming the train
    It was on this date that a crowd gathered in East Liberty to welcome the first through- train from the east which had scaled the mountains via inclined planes.
  • ST. Paul Cathedral

    ST. Paul Cathedral
    Consecrated in 1855.Acclaimed as one of the finest church buildings in the US., this place at the corner of Grant Street and Fifth Avenue which is now site of the Union Arcade (Two mellon center) because it was thought to be destroyed in a fire in 1877
  • David N White

    David N White
    This gaztte editor published the first call for formation of a Pennsylvaina Republican Party in 1855 and a founder of nthe national party which completed organization in Pittsburgh at its first national convention in february 1856
  • Pittsburgh Dollar Saving Institution

    Pittsburgh Dollar Saving  Institution
    Nine deposits were made on the first day but the one which was built in 1871 still stands to this day on Forth street as the oldest intact interior spaces in downtown Pittsburgh
  • Pittsburgh 100 th birthday

    On Pitssburgh 100th birthday many stopped at Hunt and Miner's bookstore on Fifth Street to buy a copy of of the centennial celebration keepsake which the author was Joseph M. Kinkead
  • Railroads and iron

    Railroads and iron
    Around this time is when rails were being rolled quickly to reach the high demandsof the rapidly expanding railroads while Pittsburgh's iron industry was booming for major industries like Kloman Brothers;Jones and Lauth and Company
  • Giving The Union supplies

    Giving The Union supplies
    The Allegheny Arsenal was an important supplier for the union in the civil war becsuse it was the largest in the world giving the union warships, armor plates, shot shells, saddles, harnesses, wagons, gun carriages,clothing ,and a variety of other material
  • Sending first aid to the troops

    Sending first aid to the troops
    The Pittsburgh Sanitry Commission was organized to send medical help to the front lines during the early part of the civil war but they were dangerous journeys because doctors could get captured and help in prision like physician Felix R. Brunot
  • Mount Wahington's Duquesne Incline

    Mount Wahington's Duquesne Incline
    Made fourty seven thosuand dollars This had attracted 500,000 passengers with no injurys by 1880
  • The Smithfeild Street Bridge

    The Smithfeild Street Bridge
    Designed by Gustav Lindenthal opened to ba a successor to Roebling's span, sperated carriage adn wagon traffic from horse drawn trolleys
  • Tennis Girls

    Tennis Girls
    These women were chartered to give young women opportunities for higher education denied them by all male western university
  • Allegheny County Courthouse and Jail

    Allegheny County Courthouse and Jail
    Instanly becoming one of America's most admired and imitated architectural work,even though it was built to replace John Chisletts courthouse
  • Number Six

    Consisting of 12 members at this time , this was the famous Duquesne Club has members composing pf the backbone of Pitssburgh industry and business
  • Homestead Steel Strike

    Homestead Steel Strike
    One of the bloodiest strikes in American labor history . This ended with 14 dead and those were 11 steelworkers and 3 pinkerton guards
  • Pirates are born

    Pirates are born
    One of baseballs strongest hitting clubs. #11 Lousie Bierbauer was the disputed player over whom the Pirates got their name
  • Formation of the United States Steel Corporation

    Formation of the United States  Steel Corporation
    Because of the soon to be steel corporation creation , 89 exectives gathered on the eve of the event
  • Andrew William Mellon

    Andrew William Mellon
    Becoming head of T. Mellon and Son bank in 1880 he devolped one of the world's great financial empires around the mellon national bank
  • Farmers Bank Building

    Farmers Bank Building
    For its time it was the tallest building in Pittsburgh. It was so famous Frank Leslie's Weekly featured this buidling
  • Luna Park

    Luna Park
    On the old Aspinwall estate, this was very popular until menagerie lion escaped and killed a women then when it was burned down it never was rebuilt
  • Russell Sage Foundation

    Russell Sage  Foundation
    Funded by Pittsburgh Survey .This has nearly 70 researchers , the photographer Lewis Hine ,and the artist Joesph Stelia
  • Smithfield Street Business Block

    Smithfield Street Business Block
    This palce was in between Virgin Alley and Sixth Avenue but it was cleared in 1908-1909 for the making of the 25 story Olive Building
  • Pittsburgh Survey

    Made by The Russell Sage Foundation , these six volumes help bring about social reform
  • Dr.Frank Conard

    Dr.Frank Conard
    The Westinghouse engineer he began expeimenting with a "wireless telephone"
  • KDKA

    Will Rodgers and Ziegfield Follis cast members taemed up for a special KDKA broadcast from their 1st downtown studio located in the Pittsburgh Post Office at Wood Street and Liberty Street
  • Frick Acres

    Frick Acres
    Located in Oakland , a gift from the Mellons became a site for the University of Pittsburgh's new campus
  • Liberty Tubes

    Liberty Tubes
    Now know as Liberty Tunnels , it was four years after being completed that it was open

    by Joesph Armstrong's two grandsons
  • Roosevelt comes to town

    Roosevelt comes to town
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt came to inspect the Homestead works and Mesta Machine plant( two important producers of war armament) and to dedicate Terrace Village
  • Pittsburgh back to building

    Pittsburgh back  to building
    Pittsburgh was again a key for shipbuilding in World War 2. This made hundred of tank landing ships and other vessels run through the Ohio River
  • Pittsburgh used all the steel

    Pittsburgh used all the steel
    Pittsburghs 4000 industries had made and produced $19 million
    worth of muntitions and war goods and used 95 million tons of steel for the war which is about a foruth of the nations total
  • The war is over

    The war is over
    7:02 pm is when the news reached Pittsburgh and almost in an instant Ingrid Jewell reported that "they brimmed with the screaming, rushing exuitant crowd."
  • Antismoke law clears the sky

    Antismoke law clears the sky
    Before this law was in effect causking thge skies to become clear again it was a rare for the city to have clear skies at 9;20 in the moring
  • Pittsburgh Greatest Homer

    Pittsburgh Greatest Homer
    In the world series, it was Bill Mazeroski who hit a home run at the bottom of the ninth inning that won it for Pittsburgh against the New York Yankees
  • Rioting in Hill District

    Rioting in Hill District
    Following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr' this resulted in 505 fires, millions of thefts, trade losses, 926 arrests, the national guard costs , $620,000 in damages ,and a death of a Homestead woman
  • Pittsburgh Celebrates

    Pittsburgh Celebrates
    The city celebrates its professional sprots team and getting a nickname that is Steel City and the smoke city had become the city of champions(one of those champions was Robeto Clemente)
  • Roberto Clemente

    Roberto Clemente
    The Pirates right feilder ,he played baseball with a great passion his friend said, People saw him not only as a great palyer but also a great humanitarian, father,husband,and friend as he saw it like this "Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't , then you are wasting your time on Earth"
  • Big Steel Falls

    Over 75000 steel jobs were as the steel mills were replaced with things like home and stores
  • Robert Ferris Prince

    Robert Ferris Prince
    Great Nephew of engineer George Ferris Starting in 1948 as Pirates Brodcaster ,he was always the teams biggest fan ,he would get into a Pirate win whether true or not
  • Willie Stargell

    Willie Stargell
    Pittsburgh leading home run hitter of the 1970 who retired in October 1982 but he played his entire 20 year career with the Pirates who played an outfeilder and first baseman which got him in the Hall of Fame
  • Sophie Masloff

    Sophie Masloff
    Pittsburgh first female mayor in her time she privated the aviary,zoo,consercatory, and Schenley Park's golf course. During this year on the 4th of July celebration she conducted the Pittsburgh Symphony in Point State Park
  • The Updated Pittsburgh

    The Updated Pittsburgh
    Pittsburgh's rivers filled with boats made room for things like kayakes and skulls while the riverside railriad beds replaced with bicycle trails
  • Myron Cope

    Myron Cope
    HIs death being on this date befor this he commintated during Steelers games and made Steelers crackle for fans