Trudeau pierre 7564

Pierre Elliott Trudeau - by amber mealing

  • Period: to

    Pierre Elliot Trudeau

  • Pierre Elliot Trudeau was born

    Pierre Elliot Trudeau was born
    Pierre Trudeau was born in Montreal, Quebec, and raised in a wealthy family. His father, Charles-Emile Trudeau, was a French Canadian, successful buisness man, while his mother, Grace Elliot, was from a scottish descent. Pierre also had an older sister named suzette and a younger brother named charles jr. Trudeau became bilingual at a young age, and traveled Canada and Europe frequentally, despite the depession.
  • attends Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf

    attends Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
    he recieved a BA at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
  • Attends the University of Montreal

    Attends the University of Montreal
    Pierre Trudeau completed Law School at the University of Montreal.
  • Pierre Trudeau became a Laywer

    Pierre Trudeau became a Laywer
    Affer finshing his Law school degree, Pierre began the proffession of a Laywer
  • Attends Harvard University

    Attends Harvard University
    Pierre Trudeau recieved a Masters in Political Economy
  • Attends École des Sciences Politiques

    Attends École des Sciences Politiques
    Truedeau went to École des Sciences Politiques in Paris to furter educate himself
  • Attends the School of Economics

    Attends the School of Economics
    Pierre Trudeau continued his studies in Europe and attended the School of Economics in London
  • Adviser of the Privy Council

    Adviser of the Privy Council
    From 1949-1951 Pierre Trudeau was the Associate Professor for the Privy Council in ottawa. The job of the adviser was to advise the Prime Minister and provide leadership and support.
  • Cité Libre

    Cité Libre
    Peirre Trudeau created a magazine of social commentary called Cité Libre. The Magazine was a way for him to express his hostility towards Quebec's ruling elite. Trudeau was the co-founder and director of the magazine
  • Associate Proffessor of Law

    Associate Proffessor of Law
    Pierre Trudeau bedcame the Associate Proffessor of Law at the University of Montreal from 1961-1965
  • Won a seat for the Liberal Party

    Won a seat for the Liberal Party
    Pierre Trudeau won a seat because the Liberal Party was looking for potential candidates in Quebec. At the federal election that year, Pierre Trudeau, Jean Machand, and Gérard Pelletier were all invited to run for the party.
  • Minister of Justice

    Minister of Justice
    Pierre Trudeau was elected into the House of Commons as the Minister of Justice. Trudeau was then able to reform the divorce laws and liberalize the laws on abortion and homosexuality
  • President of Privy Council

    President of Privy Council
    Pierre Trudeau became the President of the Privy Council
  • Becomes Prime Minister

    Becomes Prime Minister
    Pierre Trudeau was elected as the 15th Prime Minister on April 20, 1968. It all started when lester Person resigned, Trudeau was invited to run as a Canidate for the Liberal Leadership Contest, in which he won. His personality and and popular appeal caused a wave of "Trudeaumania" which was spead all through Canada, and Pierre Trudeau was then a star. After the contest, Trudeau called an election, and was then elected as PM and won a majority government as a Liberal. (1968-1979)
  • Offical Languages Act

    Offical Languages Act
    The Offical Languages Act was formed to create equality between French and English speaking Canadians. The act made Canada an offical bilingual country. However some Canadians were upset by this thinking that the government expected everyone to be bilingual, which was not the case. The opjectives of the act was;
    -to have services of the federal government avalible in french
    -so that french and english canadians have equal federal civil services
    -have french taught as a second language
  • The October Crisis

    The October Crisis
    A British trade commissioner, James Cross was kidnapped by a small FLQ cell, as well as, Pierre Laporte, a Quebec labour minister. Quebec was all up in a panic, and the government did not agree on how to handle the situation, except thatTrudeau did not want to negotiate with the terrorists.When the Quebec government wanted the army sent in,Trudeau demanded a written request. When it was received, the army was sent to the streets of Quebec city, Montreal, and Ottawa
  • The War Measures Act

    The War Measures Act
    Just Watch Meon octover 16 during the october crisis, Pierre Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act to deal with a state of "apprehended insurrection". This allowed police to arrest anyone who was suspicious of being part of the FLQ without a warrant; 465 people were arrested, few were charged. Becuaus of this Act,Trudeaus popularity throughout Canada soared, however this was a very controversial decision. After this crisis, many Canadians wonder about how loyal Quebec was to Canada.
  • Married

    Pierre Trudeau married Margaret Sinclair, who was 22 at the time, after meeting her in Tahiti 4 years before. They had three children together; Justin, Alexandre (sasha) and Michel, however michel died in an avalanche while skiing. Unfortnally the marriage ended in 1984 with a divorse.
  • Multiculturalism - Offical Government Policy

    Multiculturalism - Offical Government Policy
    Pierre Trudeaus goal was to have a country where different cultures could be peacefully togethers, but, as well as, keeping thier cultural identities. Trudeau created an offical government policy which was multiculturalism. Canada was the first country in the world to do this. The policy did not stop discrimination or racism, but it created an equal opportuinity for jobs, housing and education.
  • re-election

    Trudeau won the re-election, however there was a minority government. The New Democratic Party (NDP), which supported the Liberals, wanted social programs that would be funded by the government. in order to have their support Trudeau had to increase the cost of living by old age pensions, increase unemployment insurance benefits, benefits for maternity leave and as well as creating a youth employment program. This was all that start of debt throughout the country.
  • A New Relationship with China

    A New Relationship with China
    The new relationship all started when Canada recognized the Peoples Republic of China. United States refused to recoginze them, and when Canada did, it showed that they were pursuing thier independent foreign policy. So Trudeau made an offical visit to China in 1973, that followed in to many agreements pertaining to the Chinese market for Canadian Business. Canada was then the first Western country to have a extensive trade with China.In 1984, China had became Canadas 4th largest trading partner
  • Wage and Price Controls

    Wage and Price Controls
    As the demand for goods and services increased as well as government spending, prices got pushed higher. However workers were not receiving high wages to make up for the rise in prices, therefore, Trudeau created Wage and Price controls, after campaigning against it in the election. This effected 4.2 million Canadians creating a strike of over 1 million people on october 14, 1976. Although, the controls were able to hold inflation at 7%but then increated to 9%. People then demanded high pay.
  • Immigration and Citizenship

    Immigration and Citizenship
    Pierre Trudeau wanted a "Just Society" and to create this, he had to reform immigration and citizenship policies . Citizenship guidelines were based on three things; humanitarian, economic and Demographic. The Immigration Act allows three types of immigrants; family class, economic class, and refugee class. This created controversial talk amoungst Canadians, because some believed that by allowing more people into the country more jobs would be unavailble to Canadians.
  • Retirement

    Pierre Trudeau is beat out of Parilment by Joe Clark, a conservative. He then announced his retirement
  • Appointed First Woman Speaker

    Appointed First Woman Speaker
    Pierre Trudeau appointed Jeanne Sauve first woman speaker of the house of commons
  • The White Paper

    The White Paper
    Pierre Trudeau wanted a society where everyone was equal including the aboriginals. However the white paper wanted the aboriginals to have nothing, Trudeau did not agree to this and withdrew the white paper.
  • Trudeau was re-elected

    Trudeau was re-elected
    Pierre Trudeau was re-elected when Joe Clark had decided to put a tax increase on gas. However this needed a vote, but in the House of Commons the Conservative MP' would not be there. Trudeau then made the Liberal Mps come and vote, making the conservatives lose the vote, which then caused another election. The Liberals then convinced Pierre Trudeau to continue for one my term in office; which he agreed to
  • The National Energy Program

    The National Energy Program
    Alberta had large amounts of oil and gas, and was shipped to foreignowned petroleum companies,like the United States. An economic crisis was occuring in central Canada because of the energy shortage.Pierre Trudeau then made the NEP to garantee Canadian control of energy resources.This allowed the government to freeze oil prices. However the NEP caused problems with the relationship with the US,as well as other parts of Canada.Prices of fuel then dropped and the NEP goals were no longer realistic
  • The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    Pierre Trudeau had the Charter of Rights and Freedoms becuase they were to ensure the protection of citizens right equally at all levels of government. During the negotiations, the 9 out of 10 premiers demanded that Trudeau included a clause called the "notwithstanding" clause. This allowed governments the right to pass laws that violated any of the charter of rights. The Charter of Rights also could not interfere with the rights of aboriginal peoples
  • Constitution

    The ConstitutionPierre Trudeau made a promise to Canada that he would repair the relationship between Canada and Quebec. He would do so by creating a constitution, solidifying our independence. The Federal Government went to the British Government to bring home the constitution after discussing changes. A ceremony was held on Perliament Hill and Queen Elizabeth II signed the new Consititution Act. Canada then received full political independence, after 115 years.
  • Appointed First Female Governor General

    Appointed First Female Governor General
    Pierre Trudeau appointed Jeanne Sauve, Canada's first Female Governor General
  • Retired

    Pierre Trudeau retired from Prime Minister after 16 years in Parliment; the longest amount of time anyone has had in office
  • Pierre Trudeau dies

    Pierre Trudeau dies
    Trudeau passed away from Parkinson's disease and prostate cancer,and was buried in the Trudeau family crypt,St-Rémi-de-Napierville Cemetery,Saint-Rémi, Quebec.Canadians were able to pay thier respects during the service.Someone form the Toronto Star said "…for those of us who were there when Pierre Trudeau was prime minister it was the magic of the man that is etched and cherished in the mind's eye.We embraced his diamond-sharp intellect, his irreverence,and the style of his leadership and life"