Canadian Homestead
My Great Great Grandparents came to SK, Canada from ND, USA. They came to start a homestead for their family. They had six sons and one daughter. Their one son named Bill married my Great Grandmother Viola and they had five children, one being my Grandfather Jack. My Grandfather married my Grandmother Linda and had two children, one being my Dad. Without my Great Great Grandparents moving here from the USA, the relationships would not have started and I wouldn’t be here today. -
The meeting of Mom & Dad
My Mom and Dad met in Edmonton, Alberta in 1999. The met through friends and dated for 2 years. They were married in 2001 and they bought their first home in Morinville, a small town outside of Edmonton. -
It's a Boy
After 1 year of marriage my Mom and Dad decided to grow their family. In 2002 they were so happy, they had a bouncing baby boy, Gage John-Gordon Pierce also known as me. I was so excited to meet my Mom and Dad that I was 3 weeks early, born December 27th, 2002 at 9:38pm. -
I'm A Big Brother
After moving to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan our family grew once again, my sister Mackenna Shirl-Ann Pierce was born on July 31, 2005 at 3:32pm. On this day our family went from 3 to 4 and I became a Big Brother. -
My Best Friend
On the day my sister was born there was another surprise, I got my first pet, a dog, I named myself, Dash. Dash has been a great dog of 13 years and has taught me unconditional love and I grew up having many responsibilities of looking after him. He has been my best friend since the day we adopted him. -
Living in the Big City
11 years ago in 2007 my Dad got transferred from Saskatchewan to Ontario, I was four years old. This is my third home I have lived in and it was my first time living in such a large city area. Living in Ontario has been great, we have visited many landmarks such as Niagara Falls and I have great memories. -
big ball of hair
6 years ago I got my second dog Summit a Siberian Husky. She has always been my Mom's dream dog. She has been full of energy and been a great addition to our family. She loves to walk and play in the backyard chasing rabbits.