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Vlad Tepes

  • Nov 1, 1431

    Vlad Tepes Is Born

    Vlad Tepes Is Born
    He is born is Sighisoar, Wallachia in Transylvania. After his father is invested into The Order of the Dragon. From this connection his father is named "Dracul" and Vlad "Dracula" meaning Son of the Dragon.
  • Period: Nov 1, 1431 to Dec 31, 1476

    Vlad Tepes Life

  • Jan 1, 1436

    Vlad Dracul, Vlad Tepes Father Obtains The Wallachian Throne

    Vlad Dracul, Vlad Tepes Father Obtains The Wallachian Throne
    Vlad Dracul wen't through the trouble of assasinating his stepbrother Alexandru Aldea for the throne.
  • Jan 1, 1442

    Vlad Dracul is removed from the throne

    Vlad Dracul along with his two sons, Vlad and Radu are imprisoned by the Turks.
  • Jan 1, 1443

    Vlad Dracul Is Returned To The Throne

    Vlad Tepes (Dracula) and his younger brother Radu (The Handsome) are taken as hostages by the Turks to guarantee loyalty.
  • Jan 1, 1447

    Vlad Dracul And Son Mircea Are Assasinated

    Assasinated by boyers for their semi-pro-Turkish policy. At the doings of John Hunyadi of Hungary. Hunyadi invades Wallachia and ousts the Turks. Hunyadi places Vladislav the second on the Walachian throne.
  • Jan 1, 1448

    Vlad Tepes First Rein

    The Sultan released Vlad and gives him an army. Radu stays with the Sultan, is converted to Islam and is loyal to the Sultan.
  • Nov 1, 1448

    Vlad Dracula Is Placed On The Wallachian Throne

    Vlad is 18 at the time and is placed on the throne as the Sultans puppet ruler.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Hunyadi Invades Wallachia

    Hunyadi Invades Wallachia
    He invades Wallachia with an Hungarian military army, ousting the Turks. Vlad Dracula flees to Moldavia for protection by his cousin, Bogdan the second (Prince Stephan).
  • Jan 1, 1455

    Vlad Dracula Is Pardoned

    Constantinopal falls. Prince Stephan is assasinated and Dracula flees to Hungary. He gets pardoned by Hunyadi and is put forward as the Hungarian candidate for the throne of Wallachia.
  • Jan 1, 1456

    Dracula's Second Rein

    Hungary invades Serbia to drive the Turks out, and Vlad Dracula simultaneously invades Wallachia. Both campaigns were successful. Vladislav the second is executed and Dracula obtains the throne for the second time at the age of 25. His reign of terror begins here.
  • Jan 1, 1459

    The Easter Massacre

    The Easter Massacre
    Vlad Dracula has 30,000 Boyars and merchants kille, mostlty by impalement. Others, mostly the Nobles where put to slave labour in rebuilding Vlad Dracula's castle.
  • Jan 1, 1460

    Dracula's attack on Brasov, Romania

  • Jan 1, 1461

    Successful Campaign Against The Turks

    Vlad Tepes had a successful campaign against the Turkish settlements along the Danube, Summer retreat to Tirgoviste.
  • Jan 1, 1462

    Dracula's Imprisonment

    Just before the battle at Dracula's castle, his Wife commits suicide by jumping into the Arges River below the castle instead of surrendering to the Turks. Dracula flees to Transylvania to begin a 13 year imprisonment in Hungary. The Turks leave Wallachia and put Vlad's younger brother Radu on the throne as a vassal.
  • Jan 1, 1466

    Vlad Tepes Converts To Catholicism

    Vlad Tepes is converted and takes a Hungarian Nobelwomen as a wife to get out of prison and to become a candidate to his throne.
  • Jan 1, 1473

    Radu Is Deposed

    Vlads brother, Radu The Handsome is deposed by Barasab the Old, a member of the Hungarian Danesti clan.
  • Jan 1, 1474

    Vlad Tepes Third Reign

    1474-1475, Vlad invades Walachia with the help of Transylvania and Modavia, obtains the throne for the third time.
  • Dec 31, 1476

    Vlad Tepes's Death

    The Turks attack again and Vlad Tepes at age 46, is killed fighting near Bucharest. Sultan Mehmed the second then displays Vlad's head on a pike in Istanbul to show he is really dead.