An ideal community or perfect society. My Idea of a perfect community will have no problems, there will be no hate, or even injuries. My Community would be perfect, a Utopia. -
The act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in with them. Conform is the verb form of conformity. Some might change their clothes, hair, and even personality to conform with other people -
To Punish Or Discipline.
Timmy's Parents Had To Chastise Him So He Would Learn Not To Make The Same Mistake Again -
A Memory Of An Event. The Interrogator Asked The Suspect For His Recollection Of What Happened. -
Huge In Size Or Extent, Immense. The Area Was Vast, Almost As If There Were No End -
Uneasy Or Fearful Something Might Happen. I Was Apprehensive About How My Test Would Be So I Went Back And Looked Over It