Mar 3, 650
Birth of Sun
happened 5 billion years ago -
May 15, 1000
homhosapeines evolve
Galieo builds first telescope
Galieo did it and it was on august 1609 -
newton describes gravity
Einstein publishes realtivity
Hubble discovers universe expansion
built by Edwin Powell Hubble -
Quasars discovered by Hong Yee Chiu
Microwave raditation discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
Hubble telescope launched
Lyman Spitzer helped create it -
Big Bang Confirmed
cosmic Background Explorer satellite develped by nasa was used to confirm it -
Hubble space telescope repaired
Lyman Spitzer helped make it -
Big bang
Happened at start of universe hundreds of billions of years ago. -
Elements form
Happened seconds after the big bang. -
earliest life forms
happened 3.8 billion years ago